I thought that to start with Torq's map was going to be my choice, the walls and esp floor looked great but it kinda petered out after that so that was a narrow miss. Overwatch has some beautiful floor but again didnt seem to go beyond that point so another great start there. Robs map started looking a bit dull but as the rooms went in each one was just great. So finally that became for me the best bit of art. But for me there was another which I found very impressive which was Neons because he got the map in very early and it had everything on it. All the doors were the right type and all the traps were in there . Even come the end its still amongst the top of the bunch and because this was a random map and I thought that to convert it to such a good quick final handout would be the only point in using a random generator and as such is the reason why its Neon who gets my official vote.
Now onto the important stuff.
My humor nod goes to ravs for the wonton wenches tho the krenshar chow with its bone whitening properties deserves a mention too.