About CC3 - I don't have any problem with CAD like programs (I work at Autocad) but problems with editing things - lets say I want to change a little bit a coast line - I didn't fine any solution for that. I will go harder way - Photoshop.
My map will be on my own (and my friends) use - on our RPG campain. My goal is map like those made by Andreas Blicher for Warhammer (look at http://www.windsofchaos.com/?page_id=27 ). I like black and white ones becouse they are very clear. I am beginner at Photoshop and reading all passilble tutorials on this site and others.
I will most likely make one map 8kx6k of continent, then use part of it as help in background to draw more detailed kingdom maps (most likely 6kx4k for large kingdoms). My maps are going to be printed on A4 - are those resolutions ok?
Before that I have decided to make some small maps to learn Photoshop.
Pixel - miles is a good idea -thanks.