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Thread: Randomly Generated Office Building 3D Wireframes

  1. #1

    Help Randomly Generated Office Building 3D Wireframes

    Once upon a time, when the Internet was more or less new-ish, there was some software that did this. Oh, it did other things, such as generating cities and planets as well. I forget what it was called, but it was the epitome of awesome.

    I'm not so much looking for that exact '90s era software as I no longer have a MS-DOS computer, but wondering if there is anything out there that does.

    A whole city full of buildings at a time would be great, but even if it only generated a single building it would be a godsend. I just don't have time to google sketchup or otherwise an office building every time I need a new one ( which for Shadowrun, is a lot ). So any ideas on randomly generated ( maybe with tweakable bits ) office buildings as 3D wireframes?

    Anyone that can point me in the right direction will win.... HIGH PRAISE.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Washington State


    DosBox could run it?

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Hi darelf,

    Our company makes Ürban PAD, a similar 3D procedural modeling software that would help you generate buildings quickly. You can create templates from scratch or start from a basic template provided in the trial version, regenerate, and export your models to your rendering software. If you'd like to give it a try, the newest release is available here for a 30-day trial. Let us know if you'd like some help getting started!


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