Wow, that is high praise indeed!

So I guess on that note I have a question to ask. A few people over at Deviant Art and the Obsidian Portal (a campaign hosting site) have requested a tutorial for this style of map. I'm considering writing one up, but, I have a few reservations about doing so. First, my time is somewhat limited at the moment. I will be moving to New Zealand in four months to begin a PhD program, and right now my wife and I are busy with all the preparations that go into such a relocation. Second, this is a fairly difficult and time consuming style of mapping which would be difficult to explicate in a step by step walk through. This is now the fourth map I've made using Wilbur, and while things have gotten easier, I've had to tweak things in almost every map. So while I could attempt to write up a tutorial, I would imagine that it would still be really difficult for new-comers to follow along with. So, bearing these two reservations in mind, my question is, is there interest from people here in such a tutorial? If enough people seem interested I'll go ahead and commit to writing up a tutorial, otherwise not. You can either let me know in this thread or send me a PM if you are interested.
