Quote Originally Posted by Mark Oliva View Post
Just a nosy question:

In German, you call it Kaiserreich Drachenstein.

In English that could by the Empire of Dragonstone or Drakestone or with a little stretch of the imagination Wyrmstone.

But Drakestrin? Why Drakestrin?

Nix für Ungut,
That's because 'Drakestrin' is drakish (The common Conlang of the world); with 'drake' meaning dragon and 'strin' meaning 'stone'. ^^

@All the kudos I received (especially the feature - didn't notice it until now and...well, I am absolutely stunned ) - Thank you so very, very, very, [...] very much! =) It just feels absolutely awesome to receive so much applause for the work and...yes, the work really pays off that way, again and again. The whole world really is my legacy somehow (as stupid as that may sound ^^), and the map is the heart of that. I really can not express my gratitude in words...and yeah, I suck big time at thanking people.