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Thread: Finally, a new map.

  1. #11


    Good gracious... you know, when I see this, I'd definitely want to tell you to take a map of mine to the next level of graphics - I'd do the naming.

    However, I would certainly not be able to ever properly reward you for your business; but dreaming is fair, right? ;-)

  2. #12
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HandsomeRob View Post
    The projection is built into the maps. It would be great to be able to reproject the maps (it would definitely save me time!) but my software does not have that capability.
    I can reproject them to mercator type as long as the curvature is not too great so that would be easier nearer the equator. It would not be exact (as its doing a limited power curve fit) but it would be darn close. I was asking because I tried to stitch them together as is but they would not line up exactly due to the projection and again its harder nearer the poles. So I thought before I go off and try to get them squared up into vertical and horizontal grids it might be easier to ask if you have that capability. Once its square then its easy to get the grids to match and I can see that your software is definitely doing georeffing so I can tell that its an exact match under those grid lines. Id like to see this map stitched into one large array so ill take a pop at it. Its a bit tricky but I think it can be done. Its just awesome. God knows how many hours you must have been at it.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    I can reproject them to mercator type as long as the curvature is not too great so that would be easier nearer the equator. It would not be exact (as its doing a limited power curve fit) but it would be darn close. I was asking because I tried to stitch them together as is but they would not line up exactly due to the projection and again its harder nearer the poles. So I thought before I go off and try to get them squared up into vertical and horizontal grids it might be easier to ask if you have that capability. Once its square then its easy to get the grids to match and I can see that your software is definitely doing georeffing so I can tell that its an exact match under those grid lines. Id like to see this map stitched into one large array so ill take a pop at it. Its a bit tricky but I think it can be done. Its just awesome. God knows how many hours you must have been at it.
    I have software at work that can reproject raster images, so my plan is eventually to reproject all of the maps into Plate Carree/Geographic projections and create a KML file so that they can be viewed in Google Earth as overlays. I'd like to see what you come up with too though.
    There will be some mismatches along map seams; When I start a map that overlaps another that has already been made I simply rubbersheet in the existing info and match it up quick and dirty. So there can be a little bit of error in those areas.


  4. #14
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    That sounds very cool. I will do that shortly. My HDD decided to HDD heaven today so I am running this box now in a life support / resuscitation unit with a freshly bought HDD from the PC shop. Once im up and zipping again ill produce a short movie of it.

    Given that my little app can stretch any image in any way (to a small degree) then even if there are a few small mismatches then I can get it to warp them back in line again. The grid would then be out but hey I expect the text is going to look interesting when its warped anyway.

  5. #15
    Professional Artist mmmmmpig's Avatar
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    Are you working in Illustrator? If so, you can at least export the line work as a dxf and then import that into ArcGIS. Edit the line work to map to an Earth projection. With a little editing it could easily become a full fledged alternate world GIS. That would be cool! Setting up a .tfw file would not be difficult at that point either. Heck, If I had the Lizartech plug in I would MrSid it for the compression. After that reprojecting becomes second nature.
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  6. #16
    Guild Member Sir Alain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HandsomeRob View Post
    No kidding, I am completely burned out on coming up with names! I need to find a good programmable name generator.
    Have you tried TableSmith? It's fully programmable, and if you want a quick start, it comes bundled with a crapload of pre-made tables. You can also join the Yahoo group and download more. It pretty much solved all my naming problems.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by HandsomeRob View Post
    No kidding, I am completely burned out on coming up with names! I need to find a good programmable name generator.
    I recommend a little program called LangMaker. It's actually intended for people inventing a whole new language, but it also works great for world building. It makes it easy to set up phonetic rules to generate names with their own distinctive sound for different geographical areas.

  8. #18
    Guild Member Sir Alain's Avatar
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    I have LangMaker too. I am having a divil of a time getting it to run on Vista, and unfortunately the author no longer provides any support.. :*(

  9. #19
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    Tablesmith is the bomb... i've been using it for years...
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  10. #20
    Guild Artisan su_liam's Avatar
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    LangMaker is now open source. I'm looking into porting it to java, so I can run it on mac. Hard going so far, I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with the code. It's in VB, so there are whole chunks of automated GUI code globbed in with the meat. Confusing as all get out if you don't have the MS(spit) IDE.

    If I come up with something that works, and the code isn't too embarrassingly kludgy, I'll offer it back to Jeffrey Henning. Never mind, I've put out embarrassing code before...

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