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Thread: Forest Region Map

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  1. #1


    So, just a quick update.

    I was working on the map some more last night, making the small cliff areas look more cliff-like and was pretty happy with how they were coming out.

    Then I hit a bit of a wall, literally and figuratively.

    When I got to where the cliffs would meet with one of the solid areas (dark brown on the map), I realized that there was a clash of perspective and style that was beginning to pervade the map overall.

    Some parts of it are done from a straight-down PoV, while others are from a more 3D/Perspective type of view. Up 'til last night everything I was doing was as much a learning process as a creative one. And I guess I got so caught up in how I was doing things that I lost sight of what I was doing, in terms of style, etc. A forest for the trees type of situation.

    So! I've rewound a few steps and am starting from the basic outlines again. This time, however, I'm going to go with a more consistent look.. all the cliffs (the boundaries as well as the elevation changes) will be drawn in a more "3D style", etc. I'm also going to keep some color in it, but not nearly as drastic. I'd like to go with a more "parchment-y" look overall.

    I've looked at a few more maps on this site and see things that people have done that I love the idea of... so I'm going to find ways to incorporate those ideas into my own.

    I'll still have the basic outlines to use as the basis for my heightmap when I get to that point... but the map itself will look much more consistent and much better overall, I think.

    So.. the next time you see an update, it'll be quite different-looking than the last one.
    Last edited by Preypacer; 11-03-2011 at 12:27 PM.

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