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Thread: WIP - Unnamed World Map

  1. #21
    Guild Novice
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    Portland, OR


    Okay, so it's been a while since I posted anything. Mostly I haven't had much time to work on things since I started my new job; picking at them here and there when I have a free 15 minutes... Anyways, I'm posting now for two reasons: 1) I am still around. And 2) I have a map I'd like some feedback on because I introduced new terrain (snow and tundra) and I want to know if it looks good to the experienced eyes lingering around here.

  2. #22
    Guild Apprentice
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    Newbury, UK


    Hey, great work, looks like a great start.

    For some reason the rivers seem to be at a higher level than the surrounding land, it may be my eyes but they don't seem to be 'sunken' into the land at all, maybe some sort of shading might help them blend in?? I think some of them look like they are running along the top of a line of hills rather than seeking lower ground.

    Also, the snowy mountains don't seem to rise up particularly from the land, looking instead like fairly flat rough texture.

    It may all just be my eyes this morning though!

    Your work on the islands looks stunning, they really rise up from the sea. Your work on the coastline is good attention to detail too with all the little crinkles that are indicative of smaller rivers hitting the sea. Nice.

  3. #23
    Guild Novice
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    Portland, OR


    I can see how you could perceive the rivers that way. I think the lighter colored areas are supposed to be the valleys or plains, and the darker are supposed to be the hills. Thinking that, the rivers should be traveling from one hill or valley to another. Are there specific rivers which give the wrong impression, or just all of them, in general?

    I'm glad you like the coast and islands. They're probably my more favorite parts, actually.

    EDIT: When I said "hill or valley", I meant "plain or valley". Whoops.
    Last edited by DgtlDrgn; 11-23-2011 at 07:20 PM.

  4. #24
    Guild Novice
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    Portland, OR


    Alright, a long time coming, and obviously still not finished...

    Attached is the first and second continents of my still-unnamed world. (I've been wracking my brains for appropriate names, but still can't decide... I'm hoping, as I continue to work, that something will come to me.)

    I'm really looking for some strong criticism, one way or another. I know a few things that I like and don't like, but I want to see if anyone else thinks the same or if it's just my closeness to the project that makes me (dis)like these things...

    Thank you, and PEACH!


  5. #25
    Guild Apprentice Elzevir's Avatar
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    Jul 2010


    Altough i am impressed by the quality of the textures and considering the amount of work on this map, i can't get out of my mind the idea that, from far, your map looks like it has a kind of skin disease... that don't show up in the zooms. Unless this is what you looked for, this is pretty obvious in the northern region (toundra and snow) : these patches of flat lands are a bit disturbing... I can't figure if they are flat because they lack of vegetation or if it is because of a difference of elevation. It fits well in the wet areas, because it can mark the difference between forests and glades, incidentally.

  6. #26
    Guild Novice
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    Portland, OR


    Yes, it's supposed to be elevation differences, kind of to show hills. However, I see what you're saying, and I think a large part of it is that the shading is so stark on the hills, the elevation changes so drastic, that it looks really... well... sick. Perhaps, if I go in and change some of the areas to be larger plains or concentrated hills, and show more non-uniform variation, that might help. What do you think? Any suggestions how to change or fix it?

    Also, regarding your forests and glades perceptions, I've been debating whether I should actually try to make forests and vegetation, or leave that out of the overworld map, using the coloring alone to depict vegetation. Thoughts?

  7. #27
    Guild Novice
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    Portland, OR


    Yes, it's supposed to be elevation differences, kind of to show hills. However, I see what you're saying, and I think a large part of it is that the shading is so stark on the hills, the elevation changes so drastic, that it looks really... well... sick. Perhaps, if I go in and change some of the areas to be larger plains or concentrated hills, and show more non-uniform variation, that might help. What do you think? Any suggestions how to change or fix it?

    Also, regarding your forests and glades perceptions, I've been debating whether I should actually try to make forests and vegetation, or leave that out of the overworld map, using the coloring alone to depict vegetation. Thoughts?

  8. #28
    Guild Novice
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    Torraca (SA) - Italy


    This PDF is real amazing and simple. Thanks for your sharing

  9. #29
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    Montreal, Canada


    Well I gotta say that this is a very ambitious endeavor and looks to be well on the way to being well executed. I am glad that you figured out those actions to make the job easier.

    About those rivers looking to be on the ridge seems to occur more where the rivers are thinner (and mostly at full size). I think if you inverted the bevel (or what ever method you used) you might get more of the desired effect. You should also look at the lakes up in the north...some of them look to be floating on the mountain tops. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to look at your work in depth yet, so that is all the comments I have so far.

    Looking good so far.....rep worthy in fact.
    Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.

    Please take my critiques as someone who Wishes he had the Talent

  10. #30
    Community Leader Lukc's Avatar
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    Seoul, South Korea


    Those brown patches are threadfall ...

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