Ja mei! Bist'd a boarischer Bayer oder a' Frank, wie mer?
Question: With what did you make your map?
Servus aus'm Steigerwald!
Ja mei! Bist'd a boarischer Bayer oder a' Frank, wie mer?
Question: With what did you make your map?
Servus aus'm Steigerwald!
Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project
Mark, Freodin, I muss each leida entäuschen - I bin a Engländer! (der seit mehr als 20 Jor im schönen Oberbayern lebt).
The map was put together in PhotoImpact. I think there was some OpenOffice draw involved in creating the building - cool vector program.
I'm not sure how many more maps I'll create - I'm more a story-teller than a map-maker, but if I create anything that I'm particularly happy with, I'll post.