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Thread: [WIP] Niam Keri

  1. #1

    Wip [WIP] Niam Keri

    I planned on working a bit more on this map prior to posting it, but ended up not having enough time before being separated with my desktop for five days. With no tablet, scanner or properly working mouse, it would take me too long.

    The current version of the map is the result of possibly two years of occasionally working on it. The landmasses have changed dramatically, continents have come and gone and rivers have still not made their return. I do have an idea of where I want the mountains and tectonic plates, but they are not included.

    The last few days before leaving were spent clumsily wrapping a 2D map around a real-life globe and painting the oceans and landmasses. It took me more tries than I care to admit, but I was finally able to tape an interrupted sinusoidal outline that actually fit the sphere and trace the rough coast. After scanning I've only cleaned it up a tiny bit and quickly colored it to see what's what.

    A while ago, I decided that the planet would be larger than Earth. Now that I actually look at the map and see how large the continents ended up, it feels strange to imagine it as that big...

    I really don't know how realistic the landmasses are, so if anyone have an opinion regarding that, I'd love to hear it. Also, I don't know how to get from this projection to equirectangular. If you know how or have an idea of where I could possibly find out, please share.

    The planet is called Niam Keri (a name I'm not all that happy with. It was originally not intended to be the final name, but I ended up buying the domain to have somewhere to store information. Now I feel kind of stuck with it). It orbits the smallest of two suns in a binary solar system. I have the system saved in Universe Sandbox, if anyone knows what that is. The thought of having to sort out what the climate is like frustrates me...

    Basically, this is a fantasy world. So yes, that means there is magic. I have six sapient species that are going to inhabit it, though none of them are even remotely finished. The fact that the actual planet they live on is so unfinished pretty much makes it impossible to get much further with them. How am I supposed to know their history if I don't even know where they live?

    There are no plans to use this world for anything in particular; I just enjoy creating my own little fantasy setting (most of the time, anyway). And now it just feels like I'm blabbing, so I'll just go ahead and post it. If you have any constructive criticism, I'd appreciate it.
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    Last edited by Asis; 06-23-2012 at 03:27 PM.

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