You're welcome, and thanks so much for the comments everyone! It means a lot. Makes me very happy to know that people enjoy these and find them useful.

aaronil, if you do use it, I would love to see!

I've made a bunch of new stuff since the last time I posted. Here's the links:

RPG Item Card Elements 02 - Bell
RPG Item Card Elements 03 - Magical Cat

RPG Item Card Template 01

RPG Floor Tiles 05
RPG Floor Tiles 06
RPG Floor Tiles 07
RPG Floor Tiles 08
RPG Floor Tiles 09

RPG Map Elements 39 - Decorative Vase
RPG Map Elements 40 - Evil Kitties: Nico
RPG Map Elements 41 - Flower Vase
RPG Map Elements 42 - Ladders
RPG Map Elements 43 - Decorative Vase 2
RPG Map Elements 44 - Canopy Bed

RPG Dungeon Filler 01
RPG Dungeon Filler 02