I do think that naming is part of the appeal when making maps or writing books. After all, some of the names I create are either based off words I hear in my head or based off of known locations in fantasy fiction.

In one of my biggest story projects, I had to name the world I was making Midgard, primarily it is the most prominent world name in history.
When it came to towns and regions, it wasn't as hard. One method is the most common I have seen in this forum; using real locations and reworking them. However, one method I use more prominently is that I try to base my regions off of known words in the language I am fluent in; English.

On the other hand, one word I am having a hard time on how I created; Taerak. A village that lies at the base of the Sapphire Mount and contains one of the world's Marids (something based on Arabic word of genie).