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Thread: A bit of help, if you please?

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  1. #1
    Community Leader Torq's Avatar
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    Cape Town, South Africa


    I couldn't have thought of a better solution. Your'e in good hands. 25 is yours to do with what you please. Height maps are too cool. If you use gimp for anything I can also help you out.

    The internet! It\'ll never catch on.

    Software Used: Terranoise, Wilbur, Terragen, The Gimp, Inkscape, Mojoworld

  2. #2


    It takes a bit of patience to learn how to use a heightmap in PS. Since I just finished that same process, I'll share what I learned. No screenshots, though. I'm at work and so do not have access to the software.

    The first thing you need to do is to get your heightmap into the document in a form that it can be used. Open the image and make sure it's grayscale: Image > Mode > Grayscale.

    Now go to your layers window and click the "channels" tab. You'll see a single channel that contains all of the grayscale information in your heightmap. Down at the bottom of that window, you'll see several small icons. Mouse over each and read the tool tip. When you find the one that says "new channel," drag your existing channel onto it, and you'll get a copy of it.

    Now change your Mode to RGB color and create a new layer. Bucket fill this layer with your desired base color. Hide the original layer or background that has the heightfield in it. You don't need to see it for it to do its job.

    Now for the tricky part. Go to filter > render > lighting effects. This will open the dialogue where your work is done. Down near the bottom of the window is a drop down labeled "texture channel." Click on it and select your heightfield channel. This is what will translate your heightfield to actual landforms. From here, you'll have to do a lot of experimenting to find the settings that work best for your map. I recommend changing the light type to "directional" and the color of the light to something a little less vivid than the default bright yellow.

    For my Tawaren Basin map for the CWBP, I used a pukey brownish-yellow for my base map, and a very light, slightly grey yellow for the light. I kept the intensity in the 20 - 30 range, I think. The gloss slider was over near "matte," Material was a little bit toward "plastic," Exposure was around +5 and Ambience moved all over the place as I tried to find a good place for it.

    For my base map, I eventually decided to keep the Height in the center instead of all the way at mountainous because I didn't want my land to look too rocky.

    To get the mountains, I switched back to the channels menu and selected the heightmap, then used "Select by color" in the Select menu and clicked on the most white portion of the heightfield. Playing with the tolerance slider allowed me to choose how wide an area I wanted to deal with. I then switched back to my layers menu, created a new layer and filled the selection with a dark grey. Because the heightfield is a gradient image, some pixels are "less selected" than others, so the fill will be naturally feathered at the edges.

    I then reapplied the lighting effects filter, but I moved the Height slider all the way to the right. I repeated that entire process with a tighter threshold in the Selection, and a much lighter grey.

    After that, I merged the two mountains layers, and it was a matter of playing with the brightness and contrast until the mountains looked like rock instead of clouds.

    I learned a lot with the experiment, but as you might have seen in my WIP thread, it took me quite a while to arrive at something that looked good. So keep at it--it may take some time, but you'll eventually figure out how to get what you want.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  3. #3

  4. #4



    That makes sense, and I actually understand every bit of it. The one thing I don't get, however, is how do you actually generate the heightfield?

  5. #5


    Well, that's a bit tougher. My heightfield was graciously provided by Redrobes, et al. I haven't had much luck so far with adapting RobA's Gimp tutorials, but you might experiment and see what you can do with this one:

    Unfortunately, PS 7's clouds filter has no controls (frustrating), so I am not sure how easy it will be to adapt the tut. I don't know if later versions of Photoshop add controls to the filter or not.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Tile 25 huh ? Hold on...

    Heres the color. Ill get a height map in a mo... and here is a light map if you just want to multiply it with whatever color map you come up with for the full shaded version. Save a bit of time eh ?

    My god that light map is rubbish. Here is another slightly blurred one to get rid of all those ghastly lines.

    And finally shaded color. There, that should get you off to a start.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Redrobes; 04-24-2008 at 09:24 PM.

  7. #7


    I have never in my life encountered a group of people who are so willing to help someone. You are truly a great bunch.

    With all sincerity, thank you.


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