Cool map Felonius, I really like the natural feeling layout and the "sprawl" of the city. Some thoughts about how to spruce up the city based on what I know about history and urban planning: 1. Roads. I see the two roads coming over the river into the city, but I do not see any roads coming into the city on the left bank. A city the size of Sarvonnas (looks like several thousand at least) is located at the middle of a nexus of roads, there should be roads coming into the city from all directions. 2. Defense. I see the original wall that Sarvonnas grew out from, but what type of country is it located in--pacified, frontier, civilized? If you have deep woods near the city than there is the potential for bandits if the city is not near the frontier. If the city is near the frontier or the edges of civilization, then there definitely should be some type of defenses to protect Sarvonnas from marauding humanoids, etc. At a minimum, you might want to think of a ditch or wooden palisade to protect the "new" part of the city. 3. Defense Part Deux. Why do you have the gates set back from where the bridges land on the left bank? Bridges in medieval times were expensive undertakings (given that construction was done with simple tools, pulleys, human or oxen/horse powered cranes, and human or oxen/horse powered turnstiles). None of the steam or diesel powered heavy construction equipment used in modern construction was available. So bridges tended to either be in the middle of towns or heavily defended if they were on the perimeter of them. Although you don't want it washed away, the curtain wall on the left bank should be closer to the bridges with gates on both sides or at least a bastion with a gate on the right bank for the northern bridge.

Curious to see how this turns out. Good luck.