Ha, just noted the southern town has no symbol, theres no key, scale or north point. Better get cracking!
I 've just uploaded my first map. Its taken a while, it had to match the excellent standards people have here on the Cartographer's Guild website. I only used Photoshop cs3 on this map.
My world maps will need to be redrawn! Anyway this map is of Minos, a small island reputedly to be the centre of the world, it is home to the Arcaron, the wondrous chalice of eternally flowing water, from which all the waters of the world come from. The Northern waters come from the R. Arcenor, the south from R. Arcassil, the east from the R. Arcivaunt and the western waters from the River Arcaust.
Minos is not far from Mount Albarros another legendary place, the last known site from which the Arcans left the world in their mighty flying ships.
I find mountains the hardest to do,if anyone has good tips n tricks give us a poke! I am currently exploring the tutorials and hoping to find some gems on technique! Enjoy the stroll!![]()
Ha, just noted the southern town has no symbol, theres no key, scale or north point. Better get cracking!
This turned out quite nicely.
Couple of things that caught my eye (just opinions mind you)...the font for the cities is difficult to read (even zoomed in) and I find the map title ("Minos") a bit distracting at the size it current is (tends to draw the eye).
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Well, I think the River Police might try to ticket you for this one, but overall, not bad, especially considering this is your first uploaded map.
Hi Arsheesh
The river police may well try to ticket me, but this is a typical example of how the ancient Arcans modified the planet and warped it. They used the molten core to generate energy by opening a huge hole down to the core and tunnelling the mantle to pump the superheated water back up. Minos is one of the islands which has an outlet, its called the Arcaron. The Arcans later resorted to using light energy which was much cleaner and efficient.They even modified physical properties of rock and made them float - creating skyways,floating cities and eventually huge ships (upon which they escaped the crystal spheres and headed to the stars!) Its going to be interesting trying to map floating rocks and skypools!
All the best!
My tutorials: Using GIMP to Create an Artistic Regional Map ~ All My Tutorials
My GIMP Scripts: Rotating Brush ~ Gradient from Image ~ Mosaic Tile Helper ~ Random Density Map ~ Subterranean Map Prettier ~ Tapered Stroke Path ~ Random Rotate Floating Layer ~ Batch Image to Pattern ~ Better Seamless Tiles ~ Tile Shuffle ~ Scale Pattern ~ Grid of Guides ~ Fractalize path ~ Label Points
My Maps: Finished Maps ~ Challenge Entries ~ My Portfolio: www.cartocopia.com
I've put up another 'nearly finished' map based on the Kingdom of Erlun in Eria, which lies to the far North East of Minos, beyond the Realm of Avallin. Thereare two versions, one is a work in progress, the second is nearly finished (it even has a page decoration but at the moment the gemstones at the top and bottom are distracting and the coastlne needs lightening to lift it. I also notice that nautical lines and compass details are lacking which could help). The colours also look a tad bright.
If anyone wants a look they're in my albums......
Wonderful stuff, if you ask me. I love the mountains you've done, really - they're great. The rivers flow in the valleys nicely, the chalice is a good little deus ex machina and the town symbols are a glorious exercise in the minimalist school of the Archmage Lessismoris.
Good jo'b!