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Thread: The Newes Newbie

  1. #1

    Default The Newes Newbie

    Hey all. Well I have been making maps in gimp for just a short while. I am not an artist who make extreamly detailed maps and my maps do look kind of like mixed art but that is how I go. Now the thing is things just were not being placed on the map the way wanted and soon went looking for a map maker that would do what I wanted and so I found pyromancers dungeon painter. I love how it layers every brush and the ability to group those brush layers. but Pyromancers dungeon painter is missing a few things that I love about gimp so I have started looking for a way to set gimp up so that it will layer every brush and group them as well. So far I have had no luck; but I have ended up here.

    If some one will point out some one that can help me with adding this ability to gimp or some one who can teach me. or a map maker that embodies the gimp abilitys but with the brush layering and grouping abilitys. I would be most greatfull to any one who can point me the way.

    PS: Sorry about the spelling errors just in a bit of a hurry here

  2. #2
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor Gidde's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Michigan, USA


    Welcome to the Guild! I'm not sure what you mean by brush layering/grouping, having not used the dungeon painter. Hopefully one of the other GIMP users on the forum will come along that has also used the other software; otherwise we'll just bug you for descriptions and screenshots until we figure it out

  3. #3

    here is a link for pyromancers dungeon painter. I love how every time you place a brush it turns into its own layer. Those layers can also be seperated into groups. like all the wall layers together and all the building layers together and so on. but is does not have the masking ability that gimp has. which I use alot.

  4. #4

    here is a link to pyromancers dungeon painter. I love the ability it has to make every brush placed a new layer. It also has the ability to group those layers. Like all wall layers together or all buildings in another group.

  5. #5

    I am new so I am still figuring out how this forum works.
    Now above is a link to Pyromancers dungeon painter that I like to use for its ability to make each brush a layer I also love how you can group layers together in it.
    but is lacks gimps layer masking abilitys that I use a lot.

  6. #6
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor Gidde's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Michigan, USA


    Ah, I see now. Well, as far as I know, GIMP doesn't have the ability to auto-create layers like that, but the upcoming version of gimp (2.8 -- hopefully out in April) will have layer grouping. So just hit the little new layer icon (looks like a blank page with the corner flipped) at the bottom of the Layers window in gimp each time you want a new layer, and get the new version once it's out to group em up

  7. #7


    well if you know any dungeon maker that does layers and grouping other than pyromancers dungeon painter let me know

  8. #8


    If you have time go to my gallery and see a few of the maps I have done so far and tell me what you think

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