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Thread: WIP: The Islands

  1. #11
    Guild Member mozltovcoktail's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Cambridge, MA


    I'm using a tablet.

    When I turn on the pressure sensitivity at a 3 px brush size, the lines appear lighter as well as thinner even though I have opacity sensitivity turned off. I've verified that the lightening doesn't happen with a larger brush size, so I'm guessing it's just because the line is reaching it's maximum thinness or something. Not sure.

    Should I increase my canvas size and start over? I'd rather do it now before I go much further if that's what I should do. Or I could live without doing super-fine detail, but I feel like I might want that at some point.
    Last edited by mozltovcoktail; 04-15-2012 at 10:02 AM.

  2. #12
    Guild Adept Slylok's Avatar
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    Georgia, USA


    you may want to disable the transfer option in the brush presets under brush tip shape. also shape dynamics will make the line thinner with less pressure so turning that off may help as well. good luck
    Cartography is fun.

  3. #13
    Guild Member mozltovcoktail's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Cambridge, MA


    Thanks. Transfer was already disabled. I just bit the bullet and started over with a 4,000 by 4,000 canvas. Now a 6 px brush is the same thickness as the 3 px brush was in my 2,000 by 2,000 canvas, so I can use the 3 px for detail. Let's just hope my file size doesn't become unmanageable.

  4. #14
    Professional Artist Guild Donor Sapiento's Avatar
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    Salzburg, Austria


    Playing around with the brush settings is usually a good way to get a feeling for it.

  5. #15
    Guild Member mozltovcoktail's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Cambridge, MA

    Wip Updated land masses and added placeholder labels

    I'll play with the brush settings. Changing the canvas size definitely gave me some more room to work with details though.

    I've updated the land masses a bit and added placeholder labels to make discussion easier. My goal in this revision was to make Sculpter Island less blobby, and to give that land mass the right arrangement for the features that will go on it.

    My current thinking is that the shallow lake I've discussed in this thread, as well as in this other one, will go above the big crack on Sculpter Island, taking up most of that space. The large waterfall will run off the south of the same island into that gap between the main part of the land mass and the spindly appendage that I added to the bottom so that you could stand on the appendage (peninsula thingy) and look across the bay thingy at the big waterfall.

    ### LATEST WIP ###
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