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Thread: How do I make a multi-layered PDF for easy customization when printing?

  1. #21
    Guild Artisan Katto's Avatar
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    You're lucky ravells. It's a shame that Adobe can't manage it wit PS the easy way.

  2. #22
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    yes... I just tried to make it with Layer Comps - but that didn't work either ... and thats just plain stupid, cause that works in InDesign so why not expand the funcionality to acrobat *sigh* ... guess they still need stuff to put in CS6 ... and Adobe, if you're listening... brush pipes... look at GIMP...
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  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by RecklessEnthusiasm View Post
    Woo, glad we could work through this. I have to check out Serif software (drawplus?) now.

    Lots of cool applications! Alternate layouts for cities, switchable grid between hex, square, or neither, alternate roads, alternate textures, untextured versions, removable city labels, addable and removable eye-candy, map overlays... I'm excited.

    If for no other reason, it will be beneficial for distributing multi-leveled buildings.
    I've been using Drawplus for years and I love it. It's much like Xara / Illustrator. I've just seen some of the videos of what Illustrator CS5 can do and it's pretty mouthwatering though - especially the perspective tool and the 'beautiful strokes' tool.

  4. #24
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    I've only seen the option of tapered lines.. and loved that - missed that for years
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  5. #25
    Guild Novice Maldin's Avatar
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    Apologies... just noticed this thread!
    Back in early January I posted a layered PDF of Greyhawk's Underdark to my webpage at Feel free to download (the in-page map is just a flat JPG) and check it out. There is also a new index map for the classic Gygax D-Series of modules at my Greyhawk's Underdark main page. I've been meaning to update my Guide to RPG Mapmaking page for some time with new bits about stuff like this.

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Last edited by Maldin; 10-03-2010 at 06:04 AM.
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  6. #26
    Guild Artisan geamon's Avatar
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    I having trouble creating a layered PDF with Drawplus, when I publish as PDF the layers aren't added automatically. I must be missing something. Is it maybe a version issue? I currently use an old copy of X3 a friend had knocking around. I also tried skimming through the user manual didn't see anything.

    Edit: Disregard this post I used another method to make the file.
    Last edited by geamon; 11-08-2010 at 04:13 PM.
    Cheers, Julien

    Battlemaps, Town Maps, Tutorials.
    All my maps and content are posted and published under this Creative Commons License. Click Here for information on licensing.

  7. #27
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    Thanks for this

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