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Thread: My first two maps

  1. #1

    Map My first two maps

    Any commentary or criticism is very welcome. I've borrowed heavily from the styles of, and I'm in debt to the tutorials of, Larb and darklingrisen. These are two maps I'm planning to use my upcoming VTT game. I only used GIMP.



    Thanks for your time.
    Last edited by Quin; 05-10-2012 at 01:03 AM.

  2. #2


    Congratulations on completing your first couple of maps! They turned out fairly nice, especially given these were your first attempts. I think that you might want to try blending the patterns in our town map a bit more though. Have some rep!


  3. #3


    Thanks! I'm not 100% what you mean though. Do you mean where my grass goes into the brown fields? Essentially to do the grass I just rendered some plasma over a green background, extracted the grain and then washed out the saturation, and then made it sufficiently transparent to see the green through it More than likely this is the wrong way to go about it!

    I also struggled to do any contouring, without having the PS layer styles as described in Larb's tut.

  4. #4


    Oh, I see, I didn't realize those were fields (though in hind sight it makes perfect sense). I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but there is a plugin for GIMP that allows you to add layer effects such as bevel & emboss and drop shadow etc. Here is a link the Layer Effects Plugin. Hope that helps.


  5. #5


    Thanks for the tip!

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