documenting progress as such..

"equirectangular" projection commonly used for spherical height fields in ray tracing.

mapped to 4096 by 2048.. one octave takes my 1.6g about 11 seconds..

proof of sphericality - imported to pov-ray, map_type 1

8 octaves took 60-70 seconds. should i ever release this as an app, preinstallation requirements will include a bong (which i do not have) because there's no bloody way anyone's sticking around for it to finish otherwise.

currently depending on manual editing to inhibit continents being a bunch of windy lines. considering a voronoi type process to define plates. i'd like to try an evolutionary algorithm that rotates the plates and/or produces aggregation or what have you. deliberating how involved i want to get considering the research.. fishing for a simpler solution (which could resolve to manual editing..)