Awesome guide for those of us too poor to afford Photoshop, keep it up!
Hey everyone...Life got in the way again, I didn't get as far as I would have liked last summer while school was out. However, I'm hoping to get some more episodes done this month. Stay tuned, thanks for your praise and I'm glad you've found them helpful. Kudos to ZombieButch for the original videos, too.
This and all other posts, including image or document files created by me that are linked in a post, are copyright Megan L. Wiseman, in the current year. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License unless otherwise stated in the post.
Please visit my blog - cartography, popular culture, and my art/design journal. Here are my finished maps!
Awesome guide for those of us too poor to afford Photoshop, keep it up!
Episode 4 is finally here! After a considerable delay due to unavoidable life circumstances, I have continued work on this project.
Thanks everyone for all the great comments, and I hope you continue to enjoy working with this method.
This and all other posts, including image or document files created by me that are linked in a post, are copyright Megan L. Wiseman, in the current year. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License unless otherwise stated in the post.
Please visit my blog - cartography, popular culture, and my art/design journal. Here are my finished maps!
I have finished the written tutorial for Episode 5. This episode talks a lot about colors. Due to the fact that Gimp does not have the same selection of palettes/swatches that Photoshop does, I found a color chart for the FOCOLTONE colors and created a custom palette in Gimp for those colors. I also created an approximation of the Pantone colors in a custom palette, which is also included. Here are the palettes:
And here is the tutorial PDF. Thanks so much for reading and using the tutorials. Enjoy!
This and all other posts, including image or document files created by me that are linked in a post, are copyright Megan L. Wiseman, in the current year. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License unless otherwise stated in the post.
Please visit my blog - cartography, popular culture, and my art/design journal. Here are my finished maps!
Just wanted to let readers know that I am in the middle of doing Episode 6, but I am mostly working on this during the weekends as I am focusing on other job-related projects during the week. So stay tuned, I should be posting Episode 6 and possibly Episode 7 at the end of the week.
This and all other posts, including image or document files created by me that are linked in a post, are copyright Megan L. Wiseman, in the current year. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License unless otherwise stated in the post.
Please visit my blog - cartography, popular culture, and my art/design journal. Here are my finished maps!
Episode 6 is still in progress, I got a little bogged down by the woodblock technique as it is difficult to replicate exactly from the Photoshop steps. I have found some additional resources, though, and hope to get it finished and posted this weekend. Thanks for your patience, keep checking back!
Last edited by wisemoon; 08-04-2012 at 12:56 PM. Reason: correcting typos
This and all other posts, including image or document files created by me that are linked in a post, are copyright Megan L. Wiseman, in the current year. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License unless otherwise stated in the post.
Please visit my blog - cartography, popular culture, and my art/design journal. Here are my finished maps!
I have finally finished Episode 6 of the tutorial series! This one took awhile because I was trying to adapt a particular woodcut/woodblock technique from Photoshop to Gimp from the ground up, and it wasn't working particularly well.
Luckily, I managed to find several threads about this very technique here on Cartographer's Guild, both in the Tutorials forum and in the Mapping Resources forum. Credit goes to RobA yet again for his scripts and techniques! Thanks, RobA! I have included a zip file with the script and pattern files used in this tutorial.
This and all other posts, including image or document files created by me that are linked in a post, are copyright Megan L. Wiseman, in the current year. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License unless otherwise stated in the post.
Please visit my blog - cartography, popular culture, and my art/design journal. Here are my finished maps!
I see in Episode 2, the instructions require a watercolour set. Where can I download one for GIMP 2.8? I am relatively new to GIMP.
I have recently been following Butch Curry's YouTube tutorials, and this forum is a great help to those of us who are new to cartography, especially those using GIMP; such as myself. It's only been a few days since I have been interested in creating my own maps using this type of "hand-drawn" style for some upcoming Dungeons & Dragons campaign that I am planning.
I was originally stuck in Butch Curry's YouTube tutorial episode 6 in GIMP, but luckily wisemoon covered it. However, I am rather worried I might get stuck in a future episode. Could some experienced cartographer with Photoshop/GIMP explain any future bumps I might have? Please, and thank you for your time.
When I got to the end of the first episode, I said to myself, "...Self, there has got to be way to complete that last step." I tried manipulating GIMP, but no luck. So I jumped on the Google express 'cause I JUST KNEW the solution was lurking somewhere out on the Weird Wide Web. And I was right!
Whilst skulking about on Google, I stumbled across Free Filters & Plug-ins, and guess what I found? A PS plug-in called Spraye that does exactly what Filters > Brush Strokes > Sprayed Strokes does in PhotoShop; I already tested it and it works 100% in GIMP. So here it is for you and anyone else who wants it. A small token of thanks for all I've learned and my own little contribution to a great tutorial.