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Thread: WIP - Ara World Map

  1. #31
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Last edited by Schwarzkreuz; 06-14-2012 at 08:30 PM.

  2. #32
    Guild Member Thesslian's Avatar
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    Those look really good. Cool video too. I think you might be working too hard at it though. The vid shows you detailing mountains at 400% magnification with a 1 pixel brush. You can probably slack off a bit since most of the detail you put into it won't be able to be seen at 100%. The mountains do look nice though, so maybe I am wrong.

  3. #33
    Guild Member Facebook Connected wisemoon's Avatar
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    Hey wynn,

    WOW this looks great. One question: what resolution/size is your original world map? It looks like you have zoomed in to do the regional area maps, but if you are working in a raster program that seems to imply that your world map is humonguous. Can you post the size and resolution you're using? Good job!

    This and all other posts, including image or document files created by me that are linked in a post, are copyright Megan L. Wiseman, in the current year. Permission to use granted under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License unless otherwise stated in the post.
    Please visit my blog - cartography, popular culture, and my art/design journal. Here are my finished maps!

  4. #34
    Guild Apprentice Facebook Connected wynn's Avatar
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    Thanks for the comments!

    @Schwarzkreuz, thanks I'll have to check those out!

    @Thesslian, yeah.. I'm kind of a detail freak in that regard. Professionally I work in video games, and I tend to work on the pixel level for my texturing so I think I get that habit from there. I could probably do without, and it just adds to the time of drawing, but ah well.

    @wisemoon, haha yeah. So this regional map is 4326x4383. The world map sits at 19790x11325 pixels. With how many layers, and layer effects I'm using it became to unwieldy at such a high res, so thats part of the reason why I'm doing regional stuff now. Plus, its helping me focus on one thing at a time. It was just too overwhelming with the larger map. The regional maps, are kind of small in many ways, especially for print... but I'm not really planning on printing them, and since theres so much information in them, I'm settling for a lower res, especially since I need my computer to be able to handle it all.

  5. #35


    Those mountains are beautiful! I'm looking forward to the finished map. The video was a good idea too, it's nice of you to share your way of working.

  6. #36


    Looking forward to seeing this completed!


  7. #37
    Guild Novice Vurtax's Avatar
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    Well I'll tell you one thing, if anything has ever bothered me about the vast majority of fantasy maps it's that they take on very generic looks with the one side of coat and mountain ranges organized in perfectly straight lines and what not.

    You have proceeded to have done neither. The world of Ara so far as I'm seeing it looks very realistic and plausible and I'll love to see it further develop.

    Oh and thanks for that video on how you did the mountains, I plan to practice doing some of that myself and it's great to see how other people better than me accomplish it.

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