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Thread: Nothing but layers quick map...(FTPro/PS)

  1. #11



  2. #12


    p.s., I suggest making notes of your settings for these layers when you find something you otherwise you might not be able to recreate it!

  3. #13


    The method I'm using is this:

    I'm making notes as I go along and then I'll try and recreate a new one with using the notes alone. I'm going to post up a .psd file along with the notes so people can just see the layer styles I'm using (quicker) and experiment for themselves.

  4. #14


    Here's the base for my map as it stands:

    Final steps I went through:

    1. Flattened Image
    2. Added white edge.
    3. Duplicate 2x (3 of same layer)
    4. Dry Brush Layer 3
    5. Dry Brush Layer 2
    6. Leave Layer 1 alone.
    7. Adjust layering settings until you find a combination you like.
    8. Flatten Image
    9. Added "multiply" overlay of paper texture.

    That's as far, I think, as I'll go this it's time to customize it. Up to here though, it's just been automatic functions that could almost be turned into a huge Action.

  5. #15


    4. Export an image of the texture only. This is produced by setting all altitude colours to white, and setting the Intensity to, well, whatever you prefer. I used the default in this example.
    I don't get this step. Setting all altitude colors to white produces... a completely white image. Can anybody please explain to me how to make this texture?

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by s0meguy View Post
    I don't get this step. Setting all altitude colors to white produces... a completely white image. Can anybody please explain to me how to make this texture?
    Going from memory ( ) - on the Lighting and Colour tab where you can adjust land and see colours (altitude), make sure shaded is turned off, and change the colours for both land and sea to white for all levels.

    It should end up looking something like this (doesn't match Abebe, but the same sort of layer):


    (Did I interpret your question right? - I'm glad someone's trying this out; I hope you'll share the results!)

  7. #17


    Here is what I get when I put every setting on white. I'll post some screenshots. It's still on "show altitude", that's right, right?

    First is with shades, which looks somewhat like your image but for some reason it's more metallic-y and second is without shades... nothing. The settings used are in the screenshot.

    I am inexperienced with FT. I actually came by this thread while trying to figure out how to create the "height maps" that you mention in the PDF that you posted in your abebe thread. I'll try the method described in this thread too though.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #18


    Yep - that's it on the left (looks different, I think, because you used a different method of making your world / different projection? ). I believe it's under the Intensity tab there.

    I think there's a setting hidden away that let's you increase/decrease the degree to which it shows.

  9. #19


    I should add - make sure the lighting direction (under intensity?) is set to the same as you use in Photoshop as your 'universal' lighting for the layer effects and so on. Mine is usually in the top left (120-135ish?)

  10. #20


    It's just the default mercator projection. World got made by simple generation, tweaking of the simple settings that govern the amount of water etc. Strange that it looks so different. I'll try working with this though.

    edit: its the equirectangular projection, but i think its just the default one anyway...
    Last edited by s0meguy; 06-21-2012 at 01:43 PM.

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