Thanks. It's been a lot of fun working with my sons on it, too.
I hope to get the replacement paste this weekend and have the whole thing done within a week. We'll see.
This is looking very cool. Looking forward to seeing the final map.
Thanks. It's been a lot of fun working with my sons on it, too.
I hope to get the replacement paste this weekend and have the whole thing done within a week. We'll see.
looking great.. we actually had a build a map challenge early this year ... it is best when you post your pics here on the guild - that way functionality won't suffer if an external part isn't working, and if you'd ever decided to close that photobucket account the thread would suddenly be missing its pictures
regs tilt
:: My DnD page Encounter Depot free stuff for your game :: My work page Catapult ::
:: Finished Maps :: Competion maps - The Island of Dr. Rorshach ::
:: FREE Tiles - Compasses :: Other Taking a commision - Copyright & Creative Commons ::
Works under CC licence unless mentioned otherwise
thanks - it was fun to do
regs tilt
:: My DnD page Encounter Depot free stuff for your game :: My work page Catapult ::
:: Finished Maps :: Competion maps - The Island of Dr. Rorshach ::
:: FREE Tiles - Compasses :: Other Taking a commision - Copyright & Creative Commons ::
Works under CC licence unless mentioned otherwise
Making a bit of progress. I've got more of the surface texturing done and put paint over the top of that to see if I can find holes more easily that way. This is darker than the final will be. I had to mix most of the pigment that ended up light, reddish brown since I didn't have enough of the dark stuff. I'm not really going for the Martian soil look, though it doesn't bother me too much.
I'm considering trimming the corners back since really, this is for playing on the inside and the exterior doesn't matter so much.
This is looking great. What did you have in mind for the color of the bugs that will be hunted?
Well, the colours Howard Whitehouse has chosen for the bugs he wrote games rules for are grey and yellow. I've done some bug pods in the same colours and with purple interior and feel it's as good as any. I've also done some from another company with matte black on fleshy areas and gloss black on hard shell and spiny bits. I like it at the table size view but when doing photography up close it doesn't look so good. I don't have any of the new ones so I'm not sure yet.