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Thread: How to print maps across multiple sheets

  1. #1
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Link How to print maps across multiple sheets

    Here's a program recommended by our friend Butch Curry over at Zombie Nirvana Games recently posted over at his website (

    Quote Originally Posted by Butch Curry
    6 October, 2007 (13:10) | Software | By: Butch

    I got an email last night from a viewer who has a large map. He wanted to print it across multiple sheets of paper rather than shrinking it down to a single sheet, and asked if there was an easy way to do this in Photoshop.

    To be perfectly honest, if there is one, I don’t know what it is and my Googling couldn’t turn one up. What I DID find, though, was a rather nifty little program called PosteRazor ( It takes an image and based on your choices (how many pages to split it into, how big a blank border your printer will create, how much and where to overlap the sheets, etc.) divides it up into a multi-page PDF. Just print the PDF, trim off the borders, and put it together!

    It’s free, open source, and available for Windows, OSX, and Linux. It’s also a very small program (the biggest of the three versions is less than 1 MB) and very fast. I tried it out this morning and it works like a charm; it’s definitely worth a look!
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  2. #2
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Cool find. For myself though I would probably go to someone like Gamerprinter and just have them print it to a large format, but this is definitely an economical and 'at home' process. Thanks for the link!
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  3. #3


    If you use windows, just use the built in paint program!

    By default, printing will use the image DPI and span the picture across as many pages as needed, automatically!

    -Rob A>

  4. #4
    Guild Member Naryt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
    If you use windows, just use the built in paint program!

    By default, printing will use the image DPI and span the picture across as many pages as needed, automatically!

    -Rob A>
    Didn't know that.

    What I've done in the past is use Acrobat (not Acrobat Reader) to load the image. Then I just tile the image using a 1/4" overlap. Trim the interior whitespace, use the overlap to properly align the sheets, apply clear tape and presto!

    Now I'll have to give both Paint and PosteRazor a try.

    Let me just say that PosteRazor is my new map slicer and dicer! Exceptionally easy to use, free, cross-platform and free...oh, did I say that already?
    Last edited by Naryt; 10-15-2007 at 11:42 AM. Reason: Updated with review
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  5. #5
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    I bet this program woudl be great for creating maps viewable by a tile server such as google maps api....mmmm...
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  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Cheers thanks thats a good link. But I still think PosteRazor is a good bet and its free:

    When I used it, it worked like a charm but by all means use what works out for you.

  7. #7

  8. #8


    Thank you for*your posts!*Very interesting!
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