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Thread: Help with a map to role-playing with friends.

  1. #1
    Guild Member Facubaci's Avatar
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    Default Help with a map to role-playing with friends.

    I'm looking for who can help me to make a map for an RPG I'm making to play with friends. Just for that, play with friends, nothing commercial.
    Sorry I can not upload a sketch map I want. Yesterday I started to draw, and I think tomorrow will be ready. If someone offered to help me now, I'd be very grateful. I will add the information you may need to draw in detail to the map.

    Well, the map I'm doing ... actually two maps. One is a continent called Rovendor. The other is a section of that continent, more detailed.
    I will add the map scale when I upload the map. Do I need to be in inches?, Can not be in kilometers?

    The style (ie how I want to make it), does not really matter (I mean the profesionality of the map), and I don't expect someone to lose much of their time doing.
    It would be good to add edges, aged, reliefs, etc., you know. I'm seeking the two maps that have the same background... having the same format but the different areas (which I will upload).

    Quality and Size:
    Well, if the maps look good, I plan to do some posters (or great photos) with them, and hang in a painting on my wall. Therefore, should have a good resolution for that when enlarged, its pixels are not altered.

    Time constraints:
    I have no time limit, as this is a free solicitude. I can not impose a time to work.

    I want the map for a personal use. I will use to play roleplaying games with my friends. I do not know too much about copyright, but I would like to preserve the rights of the map.

    Contact Info:
    Can write to

    Thank you very much.
    Greetings to all.

    PS: Soon I will upload the sketches and details.
    Last edited by Facubaci; 08-06-2012 at 02:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Member Facubaci's Avatar
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    Default The first map

    Hello. Sorry for the delay.
    Well, I finished drawing the sketch of the first map for any person of good heart who want help me, haha.

    I wanna ask something: I have the names of the regions that are on the map. Do I add them now?, or, after making the entire map of the continent, I pass another photo with the names? As you wish.

    This first map is Rovendor, the entire continent itself. There are three areas "large", which are separated by water:
    -Strangor (highest, middle)
    -Glimghard (small, right)
    -Strateglass (the small, down).
    It is also defined in different areas with different climates, (I'll upload a photo of the confined areas, but in a old map).

    I specified the style above; if you can re-draw would be good (outline, reliefs, forests and oceans). The things you see fit.

    Anyone wishing to do so, I would appreciate it with all my heart. If you have any questions, feel free to tell me, I will answer with as much detail as possible (I have descriptions of how areas are).

    Rovendor IV.jpg

    That is Rovendor. References:
    -Dark red point: capital of the elves.
    -Red points: Elven villages.
    -Yellow point: capital of the dwarves.
    -Dark blue point: capital of the humans.
    -Blue points: humans villages.

    There's more references, but I do not want to publish as much of my stuff until someone takes this map. I have more maps as reference too.
    In the next days perhaps I will upload the next map.

    Thank you very much. I hope someone will take pity on me, haha.
    Greetings to all, and I hope that you have a good day.

  3. #3
    Guild Member Facubaci's Avatar
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    Well, I think my issue hasn't caused any interest in the foro.
    I wanna tell you that I'll upload the other map if anybody wants help me with this other. I mean, come on guys... 260 views and anything answers...

    Please, help me. At least answer something
    Thank you. Greetings for all.

  4. #4
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    I looked in a few days ago, but I don't have time to work on it. It's a very pretty sketch. =)

    Suggestion... you might want to link to a couple of other maps that you like the look of. That may get a few more people interested.
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  5. #5
    Guild Member Facubaci's Avatar
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    Oh, thanks god!

    Thank you for answer, Chashio.
    Ok, I will link to other maps that have a similar result as I look on my map. I did not want to show other maps because, perhaps, you think I'm picky, that's why I said I did not mind the professionalism of the result (if the quality, ie, the resolution ... to make posters).

    Well, some maps that are similar to what I want:

    - Very good.

    -nuevo%u00252Bmapa%2Bnorte%2Btextura.jpg Excellent.

    - As best: In the best of cases.

    I said I do not want to require a professional map ... even in black and white, after, I can look for how to paint and add the names. But the maps that I linked have very good results, similar to I wish. I am satisfied with anything result.

    Thank you very much everyone. Thanks Chachio.

    PS: If someone takes this map, I will publish the other.
    Last edited by Facubaci; 08-09-2012 at 12:03 AM.

  6. #6


    Well, I like your continent's form and I'm not busy with my own maps or work, so I think I could try something.

    I'm gonna do a test based on your sketch and you'll tell me if it will do for you.

  7. #7
    Professional Artist Cunning Cartographer's Avatar
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    (Not trying to jump the gun with Ilanthar's offer, but I had decided to give this a try before he had posted. Wanted to give it a try before I committed myself to it publicly )

    Was feeling charitable so I had a stab at this this afternoon; if you like the style then I'll carry on with it.


    I've never made a region map before (I generally put my hand to battle maps) so you'll have to bare with me. Added in most stuff, only thing I need to work on is the inking for the mountains and forests, etc. (never made a brush set so again it will be another new experience for me). I got the landmass as close as I could, probably a few extra islands here and there, but let me know if there are currently any major problems with missing/added features.

    If you're happy then I'll start inking in the mountains, from there I think I'll need you to mark where you want the forests and stuff because it's quite hard to make out from the sketch (to the point where one or two of these rivers might have been forest outlines ). I'm happy to work with you a little on it for labeling, etc.

    I'm still working on and tweaking the map (within reason given that this is a freebie ) but I'll try and make it look as professional as possible with the time I can allocate. Designing at 300ppi at approx 40x50cm print size (just roughly the size of your scan) but I can resize it for an A3 Print if preferred.

  8. #8
    Guild Member Facubaci's Avatar
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    God! Thank you very much!
    I never really could have done myself a map like that, so I appreciate it highly.
    I liked the result you got: the relief and the color of the paper. Very good.

    I like it. But taking the idea that it is a sketch, let me mention a few things that could be removed or added.

    -The importance of the accuracy of things.. I mean, not added or removed islands or the base geography, as the map is designed (I would have to invent the name of each island that you add).
    -The mountains can be like those of Example 1 or 3 ... if you can not do better, no matter, because I do not know the difficulty of making them.
    -Inking: I prefer a very thin black for the edges, as in Example 3. At the coast you can remove the three blue lines, leaving only a very fine (again, as in Example 3).
    -I like the fount of the words. But the location and size can be changed.

    I reiterate: if you can't do any of these things, there isn't problem.

    Another thing: I'm sure I'm going to print the poster in A1 format (68 x 97 cms approx.), so, it's probably necessary the increase of the resolution.

    I added the forests. The rivers (and others things) have differentiated.
    I also scanned three maps of small areas, only if they will help.

    Rovendor, the continent.

    Some references:
    -The forest in the middle of the map is dark.
    -With respect to the fjords that I have marked: I wish they were more detailed, and less rounded (then I will link a map that I did draw about these).

    The maps help:
    Map 1; Orgoll.

    Map 2; Dark forest.

    Map 3; Duringor's Basin.

    That's all for now.
    Thank you very much, really!

    Greetings to all.

    PD: Ilanthar, I'll wait for your map too, thanks!
    Last edited by Facubaci; 08-09-2012 at 11:59 PM.

  9. #9
    Professional Artist Cunning Cartographer's Avatar
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    Okay that's a lot more info and very useful. Really nice sketches as well so it's obvious a lot of time and effort has already gone into these maps, which for me makes me more compelled to help someone who has already made such a big effort as opposed to someone turning up with no idea but wanting something for free. The edits you have asked for should be easy enough, the accuracy of the map.. well, we'll see. The method I used is a quick and easy generation of land and jagged edges, then cutting it more roughly to the shape of your land. If you're wanting it more accurate then it will take a lot more time potentially (that's not to say I'm not willing, but I think it then becomes a little more than I was expecting so might take longer).

    I'll wait to see what Illanthar produces before continuing though, in case you prefer his style it doesn't make much sense me working on it if you're going to go another way. Again, really nice sketches though!

  10. #10
    Guild Member Facubaci's Avatar
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    Thank you very much!
    Well, you're right: I spent some time designing the world; I try to make it as detailed as possible. Thank you very much, are just drawings

    Regarding the edits: I am very pleased that the vast majority can be made. The accuracy can see it later.
    I want to mention that I have found the map of the fjords (the ones I've marked on the map) that once I drew. I can re-draw and link them here.
    I wanna also remember that any map you want (or details about something) I can draw or explain it as detailed as possible. I have a lot information on most of the continent (sketches, descriptions, etc.) for you can check.

    You should not feel obligated to anything. I can only give you my full appreciation for all you've done.

    Okay, let's see what Illanthar produces. Anyway I want to thank you in advance for the effort you made for me, really.
    For now, I can publish a map of the fjords, if you need them (or any other map or description, just ask to me).

    Thank you very much.
    Greetings to all.

    PS: Thanks again for the sketches!

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