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Thread: First map!

  1. #21
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Oct 2011


    Very fine indeed. Handdrawnstyle seems to become more populär again recently.

  2. #22


    Thank you! As for the resurgence in hand drawn maps - I think that's in part, due to you, Schwarzkreuz.

    I'm going to do one more page of 'hero' mountains, so there can be more distinct points on the map, and get started on layout. It's Independence Day here in the States, so time for a little R&R.

  3. #23


    Finally, an update!

    My apologies about being off this - what can I say? My kids and I have been having a great summer, which kinda took precedence over this. Nevertheless, I haven't given up and I'm continuing.

    I also spent a good deal of the summer free hours writing, so the map has been on the back-burner. Labor day seemed like a great time to get going again. However, that writing informed some more changes I needed to make overall, so I made a significant number of changes to the continents, and worked on some of the coastlines which were bothering me. Those are all done and I'm back to laying out mountains, plains, lowlands and rivers.

    I took some time today to layout a section of mountains on one of the southern islands. I'm looking at this as my template. As before, I've added my highlights and put them in. I'm considering some subtle shading on the shadow side - I might show that if I get some more time this week.

    Once again, I appreciate all the feedback, and rest assured, I'm still going. The town icon and font are temporary, just wanted to try something out. However, this is certainly going to take longer than the end of summer. For reference, I've included the new full map with the mountain section outlined in red. The first time I looked at how small that was I had a panic attack. However, I've got some new layer techniques which will help save me. I think.

    Happy Labor Day (if you're in the states).



    Mountain Template Example:


    Outlined Section:


  4. #24


    Ooh! I really like those mountains! Can't wait so see more.


  5. #25
    Professional Artist Cunning Cartographer's Avatar
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    Feb 2012


    Having only just started my own hand drawn region maps I really want to get a lot more detailed with my mountains and these are a fantastic example of the direction I want to be heading in. My only niggle is that, as I have caught myself doing, the peaks of your mountains nearly always take a very defined bend off to the right (which I think is quite typical of most maps to be honest as most people are right handed and draw their mountain from the bottom left, up, then back down, but it's just something that stood out as I've recently been trying to avoid it). Rep'd though cause this is looking great.

  6. #26
    Guild Novice Datoria's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland


    This is practically a tutorial I'm really loving the pace at which you're approaching your map, and seeing it's development. I sometimes wish I had the patience to do things in the right order, but I'm still learning about that in terms of map making anyway Also I really, really like your mountains, but so does everyone Looking forward to more.

  7. #27


    Many thanks for the advice and kudos! Yospeck - you caught me, I definitely do draw them that way. Maybe I'll try a few the other direction, that might help.

  8. #28

  9. #29
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany


    The mountains are gorgeous in fact and I´m excited, whow this project will go on. The coastlines seems a little too fractal in my opinion, so your whole land seems to be very rocky with many cliffs. I will love the finished map!!

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by randigpanzrall View Post
    The mountains are gorgeous in fact and I´m excited, whow this project will go on. The coastlines seems a little too fractal in my opinion, so your whole land seems to be very rocky with many cliffs. I will love the finished map!!
    Hey thanks! Yes, I think you're right, and I've been cleaning up many of the coast lines to take down the amplitude of some of the coast edges, although the inner sea is definitely supposed to be rocky, so I'll keep them there.

    This comes from using different maps as reference that are at different scales. It was something I was trying to keep in mind when drawing my coastlines, but eventually I zone out and I'm just draaaaaaaawin' man.


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