Well, I liked the map. But I have some things to say.
First, and most important, is the abruptness of the changes of color. I mean, for example, there is much difference in color between the blue sea and the background effect. The colors do not mix well (look how well it applies the antique effect throughout this map http://awesomewallpapers.files.wordp...-map-11429.jpg also colors not abruptly change ... there is harmony, do not know).
Second, the effect of antiqueness I was referring to apply it in all the map, and not on the edge only. I mean, the map must has a darker, older. It seems that the blue sea is very new, I do not know. There isn't harmony with the rest of the map, you understand? As if part of the map was old and the water has been painted later.
Third, the effect of the background (the edges) did not fulfill my expectations. Maybe you can add one more simple (like this http://www.hejorama.com/wp/wp-conten...map_Narnia.jpg - or as this http://www.wimeuverman.nl/afbeeldingen/ fantasy_map_euverman.jpg) or can be torn edges but continuing the color map (like this http://www.epilogue.net/cgi/database...ew.pl?id=75603)
Fourth, the mountains. The mountains you did in the first map are better than those. As you said you can do the mountains I linked (from the map of Schwarzkreuz) I'll wait and we'll see what results you get. If there are good, we let these ... otherwise, we can let the first that you showed me in the first map.
Fifth, (and I finish with this), the rivers. I thought they were going to see more easily, but I think we have to darken the color of water (like the examples I gave you). I like the color of the sea is like the river color ... but if these can not be distinguished ... perhaps we'll have to darken it.
That's it. Honestly, I'm not too pleased, like you. Let's see how you apply these five things I mentioned. If it goes wrong, you can do it as you would.
Thank you, I think that is a difficult job! haha
Greetings to everyone.
PD: next time, you can use a little portion of the map for try... to not complicate you so much!