The Observatory

DramaScape Fantasy Volume 07

This Product is a full color set of three 24 x 30 inch, floorplans of an Observatory.

It comes with Square, Hex and No Ovelays and includes the VTT files for online use.

Game Masters need quality maps for their miniatures. DramaScape™ is committed to bringing Game Masters the maps they need.

The Observatory includes a mystic's observatory tower with first and second floor and a roof with a telescope. The entrance to the tower is the front door in the southeast on the first floor. The first floor has an intricate pattern of runes in concentric circles around the center armillary sphere with its lower half visible.

The second floor has a pattern of wooden planks arranged in a hexagonal manner around the center armillary sphere with its upper half visible.

The roof has a telescope that can be moved up and down and left and right by two different gear systems.

One adventure with The Observatory could be the Player Characters find a treasure map that leads to an old tower on an adventure or perhaps sold to them in a local village. The treasure map indicates that the treasure is on the first floor, but that the telescope must be properly aligned first, and then the armillary sphere activated.

The first step is getting to the roof and aligning the telescope. The runes on the roof can be used for the first puzzle. Many of them are shaped like arrows, and if the Player Characters turn the gears toward them and in the proper way up or down, the puzzle might be solved. For example, the treasure map could indicate that the bow and arrow like rune in the southwest is the key rune. So the telescope needs to be pointed to the northeast with an angle up of approximated 30 degrees.

If the Player Characters think to look, they can note that the telescope is facing a certain celestial body such as Mars when they are finished aligning it. The second step is activating the armillary sphere, which is a puzzle on the first floor. For example, the Player Characters need to move all the furniture out of the second outermost ring to the wall, and then must stand on the circles from where they had moved the furniture.

Once they accomplish these two tasks, the armillary sphere whirls to life and moves faster and faster until suddenly a portal appears. From the portal could step out a demon, devil, trans-dimensional horror, alien, or any other being the Game Master would like. The creature may offer them treasure to fool them into letting their guard down, but had no intention of giving them anything.

The creature needs to kill the Player Characters. Only their blood smeared on the pattern of the twelve red runes on the floor can break the seal that has kept it in this place for millennia. Once the creature is defeated, the armillary sphere stops spinning and shatters revealing stairs underneath it that lead to a lower level. This lower level could be filled with traps and more puzzles but at the end is the treasure.

