Welcome, Boisterous! First, a smidgen of rep for exhibiting the boldness to post maps right away. And multiples in one post is fine, particularly since they're related.
You've done fine - a good start to your carto career. There's a couple of tutorials here on how to make your coastlines more realistic (translate: more random). Still, what you have isn't *bad*. Indeed I'd leave some coasts just like you have them -- plenty of Earthly coasts are smooth. Just be careful where you add roughness - like where a chain of mountains or hills runs into the sea.
Sure, the mountains are big - just draw the next ones smaller. And if you're concerned about the length of time to draw stuff, figure out how to use brushes to easily repeat elements. You can still draw your own , to get just what you want, only drawing four or five of a thing instead of forty or fifty. Too, you want to look up a thread on TreeThing, a tree placement routine by a CG regular. The shading on the mountains is ok, though I find my self wishing for finer lines & less jaggies . What size are the original files?
It's ok to have different styles of maps, as you experiment to send what works best and is the most fun. How many different styles has Europe been drawn in, over the last thousand years?
I spot a place where you carefully kept a mountain outline away from a river -- it might work in tight quarters to let the river (coast, road, whatever) disappear out of sight behind such a nearby height. That 3-d effect is used sometimes, so both foreground and background element retain their "proper" shapes.
Overall, it's a simple but effective look you have going. Add a border, a title, however much of a key seems appropriate, and they'll have a more finished look. Are you seeking a match between map and story era, as though they're drawn by characters in- story?