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Thread: Fantasy world map, no time restraints but the sooner the better please! XD

  1. #1

    Default Fantasy world map, no time restraints but the sooner the better please! XD

    Project scope

    7 maps, 1 world map ( only requires half of the planet surface ) and 6 "zoomed in" views of the relevant islands. (i have exact details via planet size, island size, distance between islands, general terrain of the islands. details can be given upon taking up this request, level of details too exact to post in the forum. I apologize if this causes any inconvenience) I have somewhat of a clear image of what I want, I am just incapable of transferring my ideas to paper/digital image. Would be most gracious of whomever takes up this request.


    Pre-technological era.

    Map details

    What map details I would like, aside from those I will give to whomever takes up this "challenge", would include;

    I have not implemented any rivers, mountains, or forests or anything of the sort. In the description I will give at a later time, you will find 6 islands, all of different terrain. one island primarily a dessert, one a tropical island, one ridden with volcanoes, one composed of primarily ice, One of fertile soils and rolling hills and one that will relate to each of these islands in part.

    The details i provide will show the size of the planet, each island, the distance each island is from its neighbouring islands, the location of each island on the planet (mostly in relation to the north/south poles), if it helps i can also provide astrological information, so far as distance from the star, type of star, number of moons, distance of each moon from the planet, how long it takes for all the moons to eclipse, number of planets in the solar system and which planet in relation to the star this one is.

    No colour, black and white map is perfect.


    I would like it to be fairly professional.

    Copyright: I would like the copyrights to these maps. The artist can use these as part of their portfolio but not for commercial gain. These maps are meant for personal use, as I am asking for additional input into the design (via mountains, rivers, lakes, etc...) if ever used for commercial use, I welcome the idea of giving a percentage of the income gained. I do not foresee and profit being made as this is primarily designed for a home RPG.

    Time constraints

    No real rush, the sooner the better so i can actively start running this campaign. I would like for it to be done by the end of april if possible.


    Not exactly rolling in the wealth, but after assessing the scope of this project, I welcome any estimates on the value placed on it. Payment will be made via paypal. all other payment details to be discussed at a later time.

    Contact info:

    If i have missed any information that is required, or you wish to accept my "challenge", please contact me at:

    Mike King

    Please use the subject line: "DD Maps"

    Thank you for your time and consideration!

  2. #2
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    A beach in Ecuador


    Good write up so far. If you could link some examples of the sort of style you envision that might help folks to know how much time and energy they will need to approach this as well.
    “When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden

    * Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt

  3. #3
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Washington State


    I'll be keeping an eye on this - may or may not apply later.

  4. #4
    Professional Artist Guild Donor Sapiento's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Salzburg, Austria


    Ye, some style examples would be good.

  5. #5


    not really all that experienced with map styles. I sort of envisioned them looking much like the style Tolkien used in the LoTR novels.

    maybe a little more like this,
    Last edited by xorpion; 01-14-2013 at 08:27 PM.

  6. #6
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Washington State


    I'm interested, you can see some of the maps i've made here, eViLe-eAgLe's deviantART Gallery (Don't be discouraged by the lack of tradittional styles, eg Tolkien, I can do those just as good as others. Just haven't posted them on there.)
    And you can contact me via a pm (once you post once more,) or here

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