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Thread: Not so much a request...

  1. #1

    Post Not so much a request...

    So I have never tried a modern 20th century map, But I was recently playing that video game ace combat 4 and I completely forgot how freaking cool those world maps were. So I did this quick sketch the other night. Note the word 'sketch'. I tried throwing down some countries and major roads and things of that nature but In the end it just felt like another fantasy medieval map. Any advice on how to make a convincing modern era map? <--the ace combat map.
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  2. #2


    It is not really the map itself, but the presentation..

    Here is an example of one I made (for inspiration):

    The main feature of a modern world map is straight lines... borders following longitude and latitudes, roads (if visible) are straight, and possibly canals...

    -Rob A>

  3. #3


    Hey thanks roba , thats a great map. I suppose I might aim for this to look like a computer display perhaps. Thx for the inspiration.

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