Life's gotten busy and as such have hardly had a moment to update the map.

Fantasy full-world (globe) map - currents.png

Breakdown of little that has changed:

Shaped all the SE islands except for the largest.

In the process of shaping the north, center(?)-east island.

Shifted the map around for a 2:1 proportion.

And cleaned up the Mediterranean peninsula somewhat.

This map includes the ocean currents; pink is warm, purple is cool. Haven't had much time to edit the map but I have been researching climates and ocean currents. It's hard applying our planet's ocean currents to this fictional map, especially if you get into complicated rare-birds like the Somali current, that changes direction twice a year. Sooo if the currents don't match up perfectly with the climates (of course they don't - I'm no expert here) then I'm going to write it off as product of something special, I don't know. I think that even with my amateur knowledge it's okay and pseudo-realistic.... Thoughts?

Oh and the shading on the top and bottom of the map represents the poles. Not necessary, I just felt like adding it because - well I felt like it.

(PS, before someone else notices, yeah I'm going to change the warm current on the far left. Just realized it goes in the opposite direction of how it should - oh well, it was the first one I did. I'll get on fixing it.)