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Thread: Bogie's Fast Maps

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  1. #9
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    Montreal, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Oliva View Post
    Interesting riddle. I looked at all areas with the brick texture but failed to find anything weird at all. Maybe you could share your secret and tell us what it is.
    The ONLY thing that I think might be weird is maybe the bricks are all orientated the same way (horizontaly). Masons lay bricks facing the wall so in an ideal worls they would follow the orientation of the wall, being vertical in someplaces and curving on a, well, curving wall. In an ideal world. How you would do that with a texture I have NOOOO clue.

    I like this idea Bogie. The only thing I might add would be room numbers. This way the GM would not have to write on the printout in order to not get confused between rooms, and neither will the players..

    Rep AWAY!!!
    Last edited by Korash; 01-18-2013 at 04:14 PM. Reason: speilink
    Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.

    Please take my critiques as someone who Wishes he had the Talent

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