I know that this isn't a map, but I also know that there are some damn fine artists on this site, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I'm currently looking for an artist/graphic designer/whatever to create a very simple image for me. I would prefer a vector (that's the one that can scale up and down without losing quality, right?) if possible.

Essentially, what I'm looking for is a stylised, black-and-white ship (think 19th century sailing ships). When I say stylised I mean "massively simplified to the point where it would look good at a 1/4" radius." I actually have a draft I made which is almost exactly what I want, I just lack the skill to make it look really, really good.

So what I'm looking for is an artist who knows how to do good-looking black and white images, and who knows how to turn an idea (see attachment) into something that looks really good. If you're interested please contact me and let me know what kind of price I'm looking at.



Flagship Example.png