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Thread: Software for Creating Dugouts?

  1. #1

    Question Software for Creating Dugouts?

    Hi all,

    I'm currently looking at designing a few Custom Blood Bowl dugouts for my teams in the Mininature game Blood Bowl. If you are not familiar with the game that doesn't really matter. It is basically a minor dungeon with a couple of rooms to place your players in when they are not on the actual board of the game. It looks someting like this, but I want to make mine much more custom. You can probably google around a bit and find some other examples.

    My first though was to make something in gimp, but alas my gimp skills are not good enough so it is very time consuming. From my old RPG days I remembered that there were a lot of map maping software that had a lot of textures and could make dungeons like this quite easily. I don't remember any of their names though. Tried to find them through google but found this forum instead. You guys probably know of a software that can be used to do something like this quite easy. I am looking for a software that you can then export so I can do the finishing touches and customization in gimp. TYhe resolution needs to be good enough so that you can print the result using a high resolution printer and get at least a decent result.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    That is the kind of thing I'm hoping to create, unfortunately the image resolution of the posted image is not good enough to print very well.

  4. #4
    Guild Novice
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    Jan 2013


    I'd recommend Dundjinni + CSUAC art pack (CSUAC Downloads). That should let you build a large map which you can export at your desired resolution. Note that the resolution of the exported map is limited by the individual resolution of the tiles you've used in constructing the map. Even if you don't use Dundjinni the CSUAC art pack contains a lot of useful textures. Part of the experience of being a cartographer is collecting a useful set of textures for the kinds of maps you want to make.

  5. #5
    Guild Novice
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    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by codonell View Post
    I'd recommend Dundjinni + CSUAC art pack (CSUAC Downloads). That should let you build a large map which you can export at your desired resolution. Note that the resolution of the exported map is limited by the individual resolution of the tiles you've used in constructing the map. Even if you don't use Dundjinni the CSUAC art pack contains a lot of useful textures. Part of the experience of being a cartographer is collecting a useful set of textures for the kinds of maps you want to make.
    Just a quick note. You can't buy Dundjinni. Make sure you read the Dundjinni forum posts for information regarding the Dundjinni store; which will accept your money but not deliver a key. One might argue that if you paid you have the right to run a copy of Dundjinni. I think someone needs to start up a Dundjinni clone :-)

  6. #6
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by codonell View Post
    Just a quick note. You can't buy Dundjinni. Make sure you read the Dundjinni forum posts for information regarding the Dundjinni store; which will accept your money but not deliver a key.
    Partially correct, That is what happens if you use PayPal. If you try to purchase with a normal credit card it won't take your money without delivering the download key, but the order process may fail a few times before it works. Dundjinni was written for Win XP, it will work with Vista, 7 and 8, but you have to install it right. If you are interested, go to the Dundjinni Forums and read a lot of the posts about purchasing and installing before you try it. If you register as a user at DJ, you still have to email me or one of the other Admins to have your status upgraded so you can post. Bogiemaps (at) Gmail (dot) com. If you choose not to buy it, there are other programs like Campaign Cartographer that also work well.

  7. #7
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Maine, USA


    I didn't have time to finish it, but maybe this will get you started


  8. #8


    Brilliant! Thanks for all the help. Will use the one you started Bogie and use it as a starting point.

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