No worries about posting any criticisms Jack. Glad to have them, always looking to improve.
1)Tower Spikes, yeah, for some reason they are off, two big, or flat, keep thinking a tower roof or similar will help. I like the ones coming out of the water better, same spike treated differently.
2)Thanks for the reminder on the tower shadows. They got lost somewhere. I had actually strengthened them, but must have started again from a different back-up or lost it. Working file is now over 2 Gigs in GIMP(saving file is 250 Megs) so sometimes it doesnt seem to save. I am just too nervous to merge any layers yet in case i need to tinker with the layer system.
3)right again. This one has me stuck though, I go from different lighting arrangements. My flaming pots look great, or so I am told in a big photo, down small, they annoy me all the flame details get lost and turn too orangy for the glow as you pointed out. But I hate orange glow, I like the pale yellow so maybe I need to drown out the orange in the pots. I currently keep changing the opacity until upcolse they are see through) I keep thinking of a fire from the distance that you see orange flames but it lights everything up yellowish(or so I believe). I'll try and fiddle with the layers and see about highlighting the white and leaving the others black, I may have trashed that layer by cutting some parts out. Thanks for the suggestions there. I was trying to go for the rays of light being caught in the fog and spreading out thicker in some areas and lighter in others.
Glad you liked the skeleton sharks from the last challenge. I really wanted to reuse them here, but resisted the urge(so far)
And do you know off-hand whats the maximum size map I can upload is? I have searched but didnt find it easily. I am hoping to get a little bigger one in, because the layer of fog isnt easily seen cutting in and around the spikes.
Thanks for the comments.