This looks like its going to be super fun to play/DM.

Re: All the pretty colors - I often find myself in a similar predicament trying to balance floor tile choices for each room independently and then assessing the overall look of the map. On the one hand, one would assume that just any of us would pick out a floor for the rooms in our own homes independent of what we have going on in the rest of the house - so too would the architects of dungeons. And sometimes you just want a tile for one room that clashes with everything else yo have going on in the house. On the other hand, its cheaper and easier to buy in bulk and have multiple rooms with the same tile (even more true in a fantasy world.) And - it ends up looking better for the overall map when all the tile colors/designs are similar to each other. Doing battle-maps in this realistic style makes this balance all the more difficult to attain.

Overall - I think it looks great and that you've achieved that balance for the most part. The only thing that throws me off a bit is the blue and pink tiles in the bottom rooms. But - if the story calls for it, then the story calls for it...and these are just silly musings from someone who makes maps in a similar style and has been heavily influenced by your work in particular....