Sorry for the absence ... some time spent in hospital I am afraid. However I am back and continuing with Iryth

Using the Air Pressure maps for summer/winter and the guidance from the climate cookbook online, I adjusted the precipitation and temperature in FT3 to match what the cookbook said was the likely climate. This took a while, and I still can think of some more tweaks to do (increased precipitation[water] following down the major rivers etc) but overall things are coming together.

As you can see few deserts, the topology and climate only suggested them on the west coast of the western continent. Some dry areas in the middle of continents and behind mountain ranges and a monsoon area on the easternmost continent South Eastern corner. Given the changes I was pleased to see Savannah and Chaparral appearing in logical places as the adjustments were made.

In addition I used the new sea climate image feature to add icecaps based upon temperature. These are much better than the randomised ones added in the Gaia view and with some adjustment to the image I used I could alter the position of the ice shelf easily.

So with Biomes generated, Temperature, precipitation and wind done I am at the stage where I can start to think about zooming in on the first region for development. I suspect I will focus around the inland sea on the easternmost continent. Hmm naming things also raises its ugly head!
