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  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected rpgmapmaker's Avatar
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    I “think” I understand what you are trying to do now... but let me ask just to make sure...

    Are you trying to develop a new or improved technique for making mountain ranges without drawing it by hand using only "filters" to randomly generated textures, layer transfer types, layer masks, and bump maps to achieve the desired outcome?

    If so… I see potential in the images you are making but I am not sure how we can help unless you describe the filters/textures/ bump maps and the overall possess you are using in more detail. As there is a difference between developing a digital creation possess and developing an artistic drawing style.

    If not… just pretend that I have said nothing and carry on with what you were doing before I opened my digital mouth…

    @BHfuturist Check out my Video Tutorials & Vault of Free Map Elements
    Unless otherwise stated in the post, all of my artwork is released into the Public Domain.

  2. #2
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rpgmapmaker View Post
    I “think” I understand what you are trying to do now... but let me ask just to make sure...

    Are you trying to develop a new or improved technique for making mountain ranges without drawing it by hand using only "filters" to randomly generated textures, layer transfer types, layer masks, and bump maps to achieve the desired outcome? :
    heh... yes and no. Will follow up post with the basics of the process I have been playing with the past week so you can see what I am doing. In a nutshell, I am quickly hand drawing a B/W layer to simulate a light/shadow of a bunch of mountains. Then on top of that, I add a few bump maps to create shape the peaks/valleys and then add a bit of rock texture. Basically, I am playing around trying to find something "I" like for a top down mountain range.

    Quote Originally Posted by rpgmapmaker View Post
    If so… I see potential in the images you are making but I am not sure how we can help unless you describe the filters/textures/ bump maps and the overall possess you are using in more detail. As there is a difference between developing a digital creation possess and developing an artistic drawing style.
    Will add to this post later tonight as time permits with the steps and hopefully, this will become clearer. Note counting the time spend trying to blend one layer into another, just creating the mountains themselves takes around 15-20 minutes. As you indicate, I don't what to spend hours to create a regional/global map in this style. If I was going to spend that kind of time, I would hand draw the mountains and trees. Likewise, if I wanted to get a decent relief map, I would generate something in Fractal World Explore rand and tweak from there. I want something in between. Here are the tools I have currently available:

    Fractal Mapper 8

    Of these, I have the most experience with Fractal Mapper as I have built several maps for my DM's world, but none of these are what I would call great. In an event, I am also limited to using the tools I currently have or those that are free. So far I have seen no example maps which convey what I am trying to accomplish in a way I like except those created with programs which require great technical skill and/or have a monetary cost.

    My Finished Maps
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    My Tutorials:
    Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
    How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

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