Jaxilon: I´ll post all I can here as well then. I love making little in process series of things I do, so its just fun. =)

Chashio: Yes, I've used different tracing methods before, but this time I didint have any glass or a fitting lamp, so I did what I could. It actually worked pretty well, for being an improvised solution with a flashlight. =)
I prefer the runnyness of watercolors. I´d love to see some acrylic maps and how they would turn up. There are some parts that are very hard to do with watercolors, like distinct details, which could probably be better with thicker paint that does not run. The ink I am planning to use is better than the watercolors, but not that good.

Some of these pics are a bit old, since I've been working a little now and then.

Here is the workspace for the evening, checking out the map in legends and painting some badlands and savannahs.
2013-04-20 16.10.25.jpg

I am also really starting to worry about how to make the glaciers and the map symbols. Making villages and cities is easy enough, but as I am planning to stick with the ingame races and try to make the map as close to the game as possible, I want to do authentic dwarven fortresses as well, and I honestly dont know how to make them and making them look good and as impressive as I imagine them.
However, I am thinking of using the ingame ASCII symbols for settlements. Colors might be changed, but the symbols themselves could stay the same.
2013-04-20 16.33.44.jpg

This is my lates scrabble map, with settlements, rivers, areas and everything in a great big mess. Also marked up the settlements inhabitants and which settlements contain the civ leaders. Some were changed since the game does not always put civ leaders in the largest or even large cities. There is a human law giver (highest position) that lives in a town with 20 inhabitants for example. That was changed.
2013-04-20 17.09.49.jpg

### LATEST WIP ###
2013-04-13 22.58.40.jpg