This world, originally had been set for an rpg setting (Play-by-Post), and with it came, what I found to be interesting adaptations to to solve common problems. A world with some magick, but not an abundance, where the known territories vying for power have found themselves in a period of technological advancement that we call, The Age of Sail (16th to 19th century). What this means is, Navel power is the focal point of my world. For a play-by-post rpg, to be played on a dedicated forum, I realized quickly that I would have two groups of players. Those who would abide by whatever rules I set for the world, realistic or not, and players who would look at the time frame and want the things you would expect for the era at hand -- cannons, firearms, ships of their own and for the well educated or eccentric, upgrades for their ships (like copper plating on the keel instead of black tar). Being a fantasy setting, i would also have the players wanting some kind of magick to play around with which brought about an adaptation I am rather proud of. A three pronged magick system in which, magick is incredibly powerful but limited, each spell has an intended and adverse effect (healing causes temporary blindness in the caster -- career healers suffer permanent blindness over time.) as well as the chance of an unexpected effect (it blows up in your face -- regulated by moderators) etc.