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Thread: WIP stereographic world map

  1. #61
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    I haven't much time to work on this over the past weeks - first the challenge, and then a few commissions - though I have been thinking about the last post - mainly, the design of the moons. Diamond's point about consistent styles does make sense, though I don't know how to make a consistent style across the 2 very different types of maps. i was thinking of keeping the moons maps simple - with dark spots and light spots marked, with some form of hatchwork gradient for simple shading, keeping them similar to the world map (sea = dark part, land = light part). ill have to try some small tests to see how they look...

  2. #62
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    a bit more progress on the 'big one'. i've left some layers (the main map itself,constellations and the grunge) out for this update. the first pic is going to be a map charting the borders of a particular region over a certain amount of time, using different coloured layers to represent the ebb/flow of the borders over the years. a block of descriptive text will be in the bottom middle of the map (to the right of this upload).

    base map.jpg

    the other pic is some small progress on the text boxes for the moons. im trying to stick to the somewhat odd layout of the period I'm drawing inspiration from - id not normally write text like this, though if it was good enough for the real world, its good enough for me

    base mapa.jpg

    both pics really need clicking on to enlarge. these are 100% size, though are are cropped in on a very small area (you can probably tell by the size of the curve of the globes). i still need to add the paper texture back (i remove the layer while im working on it to help make things run quicker) and scuff the border lines to make them look more hand-drawn. though that can all come later, once the major areas are blocked in. im also having trouble coming up with sigils for the 22 gods that im happy with. im aiming for a cross between astrological/alchemical/daemonic
    summoning circles. once i figure those out ill have another portion of the map sorted out.
    still lots and lots to do, in fact the more i add the more i realise i have left to do...
    Last edited by vorropohaiah; 04-24-2013 at 06:58 PM.

  3. #63

  4. #64
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    so, i've been trying to come up with the borders for the inset map, and in order to do so accurately i had to come up with a timeline for the nearby nations. from that i could then extrapolate what the empire's borders were like at in a certain year, for instance. ill be doing this at intervals oif 250-500 years, depending on what looks best and will be adding them to the previous inset map i posted. kkeping in mind that unlike most maps on this site, this isnt being made up on the fly and i have a pretty expansive history already established for the world which means its not just a matter of drawing nice-looking lines and shapes for the borders - a lot of cross-referencing is involved that sadly takes time away from the map itself :S

    so as not to 'waste' the time i spent working on the timeline, i decided to post it here. I might even ad this to the map itself in a nicer format:
    elyden timeline.jpg

  5. #65

  6. #66
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    slight problem uploading the full map WIP. the flattened jpeg is about 70mb. lol! might have to wait until theres more to show and them ill upload it in 4 parts

  7. #67
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor - Max -'s Avatar
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    Yup 70 MB is "slightly" exceeding the upload limit

  8. #68
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    I applaud your insanity, vorro.

  9. #69
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Omg, i realy do see your third feature scroll at horizon

  10. #70
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzkreuz View Post
    Omg, i really do see your third feature scroll at horizon
    thanks thought at the rate im going... very distantly

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