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Thread: Building from the bottom up (A World)

  1. #11


    Okay, I've done a little work with the pressure zones here, but this is entirely unfamiliar to me. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated. Also same with the mountain placements and the elevations of such. I feel like either there's too much mountains or too little. It might be though that I haven't done any flow incises to the map at all yet.

    Anyway, here are the January and July pressure zones respectively.

    january pressure.pngjulypressure.png

  2. #12
    Guild Apprentice
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    Jun 2013
    Hemel Hempstead UK


    aren't pressure zones more circular/spiral with colder being over water and ice and hotter on land and towards the equator. With more of a transitions at the edge of lands.

  3. #13
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    The High Desert


    Quote Originally Posted by Paramenides View Post
    apparently my version of Wilbur is missing the Mathematical> Span filter.
    That would make it version 1.55 or earlier (older than May 2006). I would recommend downloading a newer version if possible, as there have been many changes over the last 7 years.

  4. #14
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Your mountains are likely too wide for their planet. Here on Earth, there are few mountain ranges that would occupy that much of the planet. I'd recommend reprojecting your map into an equal-area projection and then calculating a histogram for elevation to see how well your map does in terms of altitude distribution. Elevation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia has a couple of example histograms for elevation here on Earth.

    I was going to try to do the processing for you, but then I noticed the FT markings on the terrain (you did mention FT in the original post, but I guess I skipped over that part). I love my child, but those streaks are from where I dropped it on its head a couple of times before it was delivered. The reason that I mention FT is that you should be able to get a good equal-area projection directly in FT before exporting an image, which will make computing things like histograms a lot easier (Wilbur has a histogram tool, but using it on a projection that's not equal-area will give you severely distorted information).
    Last edited by waldronate; 06-28-2013 at 07:54 AM.

  5. #15


    Ah, okay. Yeah I just updated it on the website because I was using the version that came with Fractal Terrains 3.

  6. #16


    That's what I was thinking with the mountains, so I'll take your advice and try messing with it that way. I may try re-evaluating the bump map in photoshop instead.

    And that was quite possibly the best analogy for something I've ever heard.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Londonsmee View Post
    aren't pressure zones more circular/spiral with colder being over water and ice and hotter on land and towards the equator. With more of a transitions at the edge of lands.
    I guess it mostly depends on what time of the year it is. I was going off of this and the pressures change mostly with how warm the land is. I might have to rethink the pressure areas though. Also sorry for the late response.

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