Quote Originally Posted by RPMiller View Post
Much nicer. Just one question this time. Is that boulder in the bottom center floating over the edge of the cliff, or is it sitting on the very edge? Based on following the edge of the right cliff face and the shadow on the boulder.

I really like the snow texture. Even on the full size image it looks dead on like snow. Is that a tileable texture or a creative use of layer effects?
The right side of the creek is intended to be barely higher in elevation to the creek itself - so at the trees to the right the ground in only 12 inches higher than the creek. Whereas the left side is significantly higher than the creek. So this means the boulder is probably sitting on the creek bed, with upper portion above the waterline and above the ground level to the left.

Notice the snow is blended and feathered to the edge of the creek itself.

The snow is a tileable texture (a photo from cgtextures.com), this is not use of layer effects.