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Thread: Outline of a peninsula

  1. #1

    Default Outline of a peninsula

    Hi everyone!
    Sorry for my english, it if far from perfect so please, forgive me any mistakes For a while, I'm creating a fantasy world. For now it is only a hobby, but hopefully one day i will start writing books using this world as a lore, but for now i just need map which will help me find place for all this baronies, cities, castles and villages. I want to ask you for something which is quite simple to draw (I hope so - it is still too hard for me). I need a draft of quite long and thin peninsula. It should look a bit like Scandinavia but directed to the north-northern east. I want only an outline: no names, no cities, no rivers, mountains, forests, countries, (I will add them by myself) etc. just shorelines. It is quite similar request to this , but i have more specific needs.
    1. As I said it should be peninsula,
    2. curved a little bit - like a "(",
    3. directed to NNE,
    4. proportions and size roughly like the Scandinavia,
    5. connection to the main continent should be thinner becouse of:
    6. long bay separating the peninsula nad the continent,
    7. shape of the continent doesnt really matter as long as it is on the southern borders of the map
    8. visible part of it shuld be like 1/4 or 1/5 of the peninsula,
    9. there may be as many islands as you want just dont make them too big,
    10. There should be some deep fjords on the eastern shore but western should be simpler,
    11. oh and whole draft should be quite realistic.

    This is propably all, but if you are not sure if you know how should it look then please, ask me before you start drawing. What about size - bigger is better, also more complex is better, but as long as I'm not paying for this I won't demand much

  2. #2


    I tried my best, but there might be too many fjords on the eastern coast.
    Fjorded Peninsula.png

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