You always bring something interesting and cool to the table.
A work in progress. I really don't know what to call it yet... it's quite unfinished and very changeable. The canvas is... less than fine, but I'm enjoying every second of painting time (or maybe that's why I'm enjoying it so much, that and no preset guidelines... made up on the spot as it were). I haven't picked up a paintbrush in months, so this is good. The plan is to paint a bit each day until it's done. I'm going to follow the plan.
8 9 - wash sketch.jpg Sorry... phone camera... but I started with a rough wash sketch in warm red (van dyke red), if anyone cares.
8 16 - top 4 inches fullsz.jpg The top four inches as of today. It's the most finished bit, thus. So, not very. Okay then.
You always bring something interesting and cool to the table.
Yea this is really interesting! I wish I could see it larger of course.
Mmmm rough-hewn acrylic aerial panoramic pictorial thingy. :homer:
Very impressive. The color layering have realy interesting effects. You inspire me to take out paint and do sone textures for my maps. Also its great to see so many experiments lately.
A very cool idea. Too bad the first picture is so tiny. Looking forward to this.
I'm trapped in Darkness,
Still I reach out for the Stars
Gorgeous style. This looks like it will become something really special. Labeling it in a consistent way could be hard, but maybe you are not planning any labels? If the rest of the map will be so impressionistically beautiful as the mountains, it might even work better without labels.
I'm just having fun painting a landscape with acrylics again. Not sure about labels, but at some point I'm definitely going to work on labeling painted maps, with paint... may or may not happen with this one. I'm more than half tempted to hang it on my bedroom wall when it's finished and that is not something I've done with my own work before... but this one I'm having so much fun painting and have no goals of perfection other than enjoyment of the process, I think I'd like to keep it around as is and not get frustrated with labeling attempts. My hand isn't all that steady for an artist, but I suppose lots of practice would help.... certainly getting that with my latest commissions since the labels are all hand done with a calligraphy pen. Still have a lot of mussed letters to edit out post scanning. We'll see. I'm glad you like the style
How large is the canvas?