Quote Originally Posted by thebax2k View Post
Interesting effect with the shading. Is there a reason that you picked to show the map with black and white contrasts (gothic story, vampire story, world overrun by undead, tragic story, etc.)? The main problem that I have with the map is that the shading is so heavy in some areas (especially on the left side of the map) that it makes it difficult to read what the country and geographic feature names are. I'm not saying that you should not shade, but the names of the geographic features should be legible and easy to read. Keep at it, with some further processing and refinement, the map could be very sharp.
For the most part, the map is shaded so that I don't have to reveal too much in the first book, other than some signature areas... I felt that making it seem like the sun was on the side of the world involved in the story made that easier, if that makes sense? As for the near-black/white coloring, its a pretty dark book... no vampires, undead in a certain fashion, but plenty of violence and some sex. Yeah, I did feel that it was harder to read this way, and maybe I'll work on that in the days to come. Luckily I have several other versions and in color. Thanks for your input friend. It's good to hear what other people think. Same goes for everyone.