I look forward to seeing the finished piece.
I'm really going to regret this...
The Lotus Coast. A sweltering strip of land pinched between the wine-dark waters of the Merultic Sea and the forbidding heights of the Damosene Mountains. Sometimes known as the Southern Frontier, the Lotus Coast is home to the Seven Cities, former colonies of the Merul Empire which broke away more than a century ago during one of the Empire's periodic civil wars. They are mercantile cities, raking in the wealth from trade with the barbaric tribes of the south. Jade, ivory, rare spices and woods in exchange for weapons has always seemed like a fair trade to the merchants... less so to the city fathers, who now have to contend with raids by savages armed with modern weapons as well as the worrying rise of ambassadors and military expeditions from the Empire...
My two maps are going to be:
A) A digital version, in the style of my Grand Circuit map, and
B) A hand-drawn pencil and ink version.
Since I KNOW the hand-drawn one is going to take forever, I'm going to knock out the digital one as quickly as I can before moving on to the other one.
### Latest WIP ###
I look forward to seeing the finished piece.
Off to a beautiful start Diamond!
### Latest WIP ###
Great job!
Indeed, this is realy interesting to see. And I am too cant wait for a Analog Diamond!
Nice map and good setting!
I am also curious to see the other version.
Also looking forward to the handrawn map. Very curious to see how this will turn out!
Will the handdrawn map also have caterpillar thingies?
I'm trapped in Darkness,
Still I reach out for the Stars