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Thread: Map for Dance of Cloaks

  1. #11
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    Actually I posted a response to that article you linked describing this book and your map - but it's still awaiting moderation before it's posted. My post to that article regards the "river issues in your map". (Note: I am a member of the River Police - look beneath my avatar name).

    The river system to the west side of your map has a general north to south flow, however, several of the tributaries seem to be flowing backwards and merge with the main river from the wrong direction - I see a half dozen examples of backwards pointing tributaries on that river system. Also, though large rivers can form deltas as the river nears the sea, your delta seems expansively large, almost too large - the rivers are splitting away from the coast too far away from the coast, though this is still possible, so I'm not trying to be overly critical.

    Of the river system to the east, there's a similar too big a delta situation here as well, but more critical you have a river reaching the sea significantly north of the 2 rivers of the delta. If this were the case the entire river would flow into the sea at this point and not continue southward to split into 2 more rivers reaching the sea. Generally except in river deltas, a river can only reach the sea at one exit.

    A river delta occurs when the land near the coast is extremely flat, the river slows down it's pace and detritus in the water begins to settle on the river floor building up and eventually pushing the river to one side or the other starting another channel. This is what causes multiple channels to appear in a river delta.

    Since your map has been accepted by the author and publisher, there probably isn't a need to fix the rivers for publication, but for geologic/geographic authenticity you should use correct river formations in any published map. Unless the author is specifically ruling that the storyline requires unrealistic geographic formations, there should be no reason not to get the rivers correct.

    We've got several threads in this forum discussing issues with river systems, as "rivers" of all geologic formations seems to be the one that most often have problems with inexperienced cartographers.

    Aside from the river issues, though, this is a pretty map!

    The placement of everything was provided to me by the author, so there's very little room for me to change his vision. I was asked to make a darker, grittier map fitting of the novels main character being an assassin.

    I think there's not enough geographic information to really say what's fully going on in some areas. All we really see is coast, rivers, mountains and hills. There was no distance scale provided either, so that's another factor. Are we dealing with a few miles, or many miles?

  2. #12
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor - Max -'s Avatar
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    About stains, not fan of it but that makes more sense

  3. #13
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by - Max - View Post
    About stains, not fan of it but that makes more sense
    More so when you are being paid to give the Creative Director what they want.

  4. #14
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TimPaul View Post
    The placement of everything was provided to me by the author, so there's very little room for me to change his vision. I was asked to make a darker, grittier map fitting of the novels main character being an assassin.

    I think there's not enough geographic information to really say what's fully going on in some areas. All we really see is coast, rivers, mountains and hills. There was no distance scale provided either, so that's another factor. Are we dealing with a few miles, or many miles?
    I'd say the size of a relatively small kingdom like Portugal, maybe a little bigger.

    Is you email address going to be in the book too? It kind of break the atmosphere.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by TimPaul View Post
    The placement of everything was provided to me by the author, so there's very little room for me to change his vision. I was asked to make a darker, grittier map fitting of the novels main character being an assassin.

    I think there's not enough geographic information to really say what's fully going on in some areas. All we really see is coast, rivers, mountains and hills. There was no distance scale provided either, so that's another factor. Are we dealing with a few miles, or many miles?
    I guess it all depends on how you handle commissions, but I always question geologic/geographic anamolies in rough draft maps provided me by the authors of the works I complete. I want to make sure that I match the intentions of the author, while explaining why a given geologic mistake is occurring. In 2 commissions the authors allowed me to do the corrected versions. In one case the author indicated that the storyline required the anamoly. I know the fanbase of a given published book may question the map itself. By correcting it in the first place, such issues will never arise. It is in the author's favor to present him with a true rendition of a geologically sound map. In the end, I don't expect most authors to have any kind of cartographic knowledge. As a professional cartographer it an expectation that I report inconsistencies with the author. Not doing so is a disservice to the author and publisher.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
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  6. #16
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Thanks for your personal views on the subject, Gameprinter. They are certainly something to consider.

  7. #17
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    I get the feeling it's actually bigger than Portugal, myself. This is meant to be a decorative map, to give all kinds of readers (new readers, experienced and hardcore) a general idea of the location of places mentioned in the book.

    Once I read the book (waiting for my copy to arrive), I'll have a better idea.

    I posted the jpeg sample I send out to inquires for maps, which has my email and name on it so people that pass it on, my information goes with it. It won't appear in the book that way.

  8. #18
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Very pretty map, and congratz on the commission!

    It's a shame the client only requested B&W, because I really think this would look so much better in colour! Also, in B&W, the concept of the bloody drips and fingerprint is kind of lost, and makes them look a bit out of place. But in colour, against a weatherworn, brownish parchment texture, it would have looked much, much better and more interesting, and helped to convey the feeling of a hand-drawn map clutched in the hands of an assassin.

    I realize B&W is needed for the book printing, but a colour version is always nice too, for displaying on the author's website. Would be a nice little extra I think, for fans of the book to enjoy, and also to snag the interest of potential readers.

    I can't really comment on the river problem (it's not something I'm knowledgeable in at all), but I do think it's something the average person probably wouldn't even notice, or take issue with. (It didn't even register with me until I started reading the comments). But, like someone else mentioned, if you're interested in learning more about it for future maps, there's a wealth of helpful info to be found here.

    Oh, and I also wanted to say that I really love your sword compass! And the font as well!

  9. #19
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Thanks, Neyjour

  10. #20
    Guild Adept TimPaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Fine job!

    That's the kind of map I'm expecting when I open a fantasy novel.
    Thanks. I loved these kinds of maps as well, when I opened a book.

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